Viajero Inmóvil - Difusión de grupos progresivos independientes

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VIAJERO INMOVIL Records is a personal project created in August 1999 devoted to promoting and distributing the music of Independent Progressive groups from Argentina and South America, thus trying to promote all the so-called "Progressive Music": Progressive Rock, Symphonic Rock, Neo Prog, Beat Music, Psychedelia, Hard Rock, Folk, Jazz Rock, Fusion, R.I.O., Chamber Music, Post Rock, Avant Tango, etc.


OCTAFONICVer información de la banda

(2014) - S-Music
CD - digi-pack

This is the transformation of Sorín Octeto, in which Nicolás has summoned a brand new set of musicians in possession of the same sonic tonal quality as their predecessors, albeit with a different focusing: a Rock composition format with horn arrangements more in tune with Jazz, sung in English and featuring some overtones close to those of Mats & Morgan. 

Samples - OCTAFONIC - Monster - YouTube

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LOS ÁLAMOSVer información de la banda
"Luces blancas"

(2014) - Exiles Records
CD - digi-pack

The third album by this "Narco-Country" group contains a series of melodically-speaking very accessible compositions which vary between Country, Folk, Blues, Western, and American Psychedelia. The album was fully recorded live in just one take, and is sung in both Spanish and English.

Samples - LOS ÁLAMOS - Luces blancas - Bandcamp

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PÄRAWAY, MARIANAVer información de la banda

(2014) - Concepto cero
CD - digi-pack

From the Argentine province of Mendoza comes this guitarist, vocalist and very personal composer. Her third recorded effort comprises twelve tracks, which in a non-stop mode traverse through the ample universe of the musical spectrum by visiting Folk, Rock, Classical, and indigenous nuances. Her delicate melodies and sweet voice are well enriched by various sounds on each cut, while singing in three different languages.

Samples - MARIANA PÄRAWAY - Hilario - Bandcamp

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SLEPOY, FRANCISCO Ver información de la banda
"Música sobre pintura - Volúmen I - (CDr)"

(2014) - I.P.

The music written for this project all started with a teamwork effort together with visual artists labours' based on artwork by Carmen Villa and Silvia Gurfein. Slepoy led a vocally-Improvisational, Experimental Free Jazz Fusion quartet for this outing.

Samples - FRANCISCO SLEPOY - Música sobre pintura - Volúmen I - YouTube

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REPTILVer información de la banda
"Reptil - (CDr)"

(2015) - I.P.

This threesome is headed by Francisco Slepoy (guitar), and is accompanied by Lucas Goicochea (alto sax) and Andrés Elstein (drums). Their style is driven by music which fuses Jazz and Rock, as well as creating Experimental and Free Intention-like atmospheres. At times they remind us of Resistencia Chaco.

Samples - REPTIL - Reptil - Soundcloud

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THE GRAND ASTORIA - MONTENEGROVer información de la banda
"The body limits / El matadero - (Split album) "

(2015) - Sick-O-Delic Records
CD - mini-lp

This is a split album between The Grand Astoria (who hail from St. Petersburg, Russia) and Montenegro (Argentina). Both bands display their most Experimental facets throughout two very long Concept-like compositions crammed with Stoner Rock, Psychedelia and Garage attitude. The Russian lads delight us with a 30-minute Musical Trance piece, while the local bunch keep their heavier Doom/Blues style nicely flowing.

Samples - THE GRAND ASTORIA - MONTENEGRO - The body limits / El matadero - (Split album) - Bandcamp

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RUIZ, FLORENCIAVer información de la banda

(2015) - I.P.
CD digi-sleeve + special case

This compilation, especially made for the Japanese market, celebrates fifteen years of constant searching and sharing. Each song included in this album represents every single year Florencia spent during her musical career, from 1999 to 2013.

Samples - FLORENCIA RUIZ - Ma - Deezer

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UN DIOS APARTE - Miguel Ángel DenteVer información de la banda
"Tras los pasos de Charly García"

(2013) - Ediciones Disconario

Argentine - Book in Spanish - Format 21 x 21 cm. in illustration opaque paper with 180 black & white pages / coloured cover.

Un dios aparte - Tras los pasos de Charly García originates from the profound admiration, respect and recognition that the figure of Charly García inspires as the biggest popular exponent of Argentine Rock of any era, a creative process which is already approaching its fiftieth anniversary. Daniel Chirom (author of the Charly García book) and Sergio Marchi (author of the No digas nada book) have come up with some very interesting insights about Charly's life.

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TÍCHER DE LUZ - Miguel Ángel DenteVer información de la banda
"Una guía Spinetteana"

(2012) - Ediciones Disconario

Argentine - Book in Spanish - Format 21 x 21 cm. in illustration opaque paper with 180 black & white pages / coloured cover.

Ticher de luz, Una guía Spinettiana originates from the profound admiration, respect and recognition that the figure of Luis Alberto Spinetta inspires as one of the most iconic exponents of Argentine Rock. This work does not attempt to disembowel the origins nor dive in quest for the meaning behind his songs' lyrics, as these tasks have already been marvelously and lovingly undertaken by other authors.

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EL BOHEMIO VA - Miguel Ángel DenteVer información de la banda
"Código Nebbia | Cincuentenario"

(2015) - Ediciones Disconario

Argentine - Book in Spanish - Format 21 x 21 cm. in illustration opaque paper with 180 black & white pages / coloured cover.

This is an absolutely necessary complement, accounting the data and dispersed commentaries about album releases, concerts, opinions about and by Litto Nebbia. What we get for this brand new edition are exclusive answers by Litto, as well as by the multitude of artists he has shared his works with during the past fifty years, annexes with accolades, collaborations, and the many productions for his own Melopea record label. "El bohemio va" permits us to appreciate the Nebbia universe in all its real magnitude and glory, perceive all his many different textures and colours, and finally attain a compact and consummate vision of all his rich legacy and labours in their entirety.

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ACANTILADOSVer información de la banda
"LP - (CDr)"

(2014) - I.P.
CDr - papersleeve

This Instrumental threesome originally hails from the city of Quilmes (province of Buenos Aires, Argentina). The trio has successfully affirmed itself within the Post Rock territory, as well as incorporating elements of Space Rock and Hardcore into their own style. They distinguish themselves by writing and subsequently recording long-duration compositions, which feature introspective and hypnotic atmospheres, together with explosive moments of raging distortions.

Samples - ACANTILADOS - LP - Bandcamp

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PIGLIA + NACHT + STUPÍAVer información de la banda
"La incertidumbre - (book + CD) "

(2015) - Ultrapop
Libro + CD - special pack

This here is a collage of sound, images and words, where the tradition of dialogue revives between the Contemporary Jazz Music of Luis Nacht, the Literature of writer Ricardo Piglia and the Fine Arts of illustrator Eduardo Stupía. Together they have managed to break through artistic frontiers, in order to re-create a common denominator-type of multiple, playful and original production.

Samples - PIGLIA + NACHT + STUPÍA - La incertidumbre - YouTube

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LA GOTAVer información de la banda
"Lavardén - (DVDr)"

(2009) - I.P.

This band showed up in a quartet-type of formation when they played at the mythical Sala Lavardén, a very important theatre in the city of Rosario (province of Santa Fé, Argentina). This DVDr includes the video images of the group's memorable and great live-in-concert performance at this venue on August 29th, 2009.

Video samples - LA GOTA - Lavardén - YouTube

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ANYBODY THEREVer información de la banda

(2014) - I.P.

Duet formed by Guillermina Perrino (MaryGui) and Emanuel Mendez (Piel Reloj), presenting a wide variety of styles between Alternative Rock, Atmospheric Prog Rock and Trip hop. Ten songs sung in English, most of them inspired in different emotions and influences like Radiohead, Portishead, Metric and Pink Floyd.

Samples - ANYBODY THERE - Monsters - Bandcamp

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GARÍN, ZELMARVer información de la banda
"El once - (CDr)"

(2012) - Noseso Records
CDr - special papersleeve

This Argentine multiple-instrumentalist and producer's music ranges from the Contemporary song and composition to Free Improvisational Music, in an eclectic cocktail where Folk, Rock, Psychedelia, Tango, Candombe, and many other genres come together in a uniquely-sounding concoction. These tracks were recorded under the magical and numerical guidance of routinely daily living circumstances.

Samples - ZELMAR GARÍN - El once - YouTube

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EDUARDO HERRERA - ZELMAR GARÍNVer información de la banda
"Ahí vienen!"

(2013) - Noseso Records
CD - digi-sleeve

This record is dedicated to all women. It comprises eleven songs which utilize different sets of instruments and timbres that were entirely composed by both artists together, while in the recording studio. They deliberately removed themselves from genres and gave their creations a Noise mixture type of focusing, as well as concentrating on the work of the shapes.   

Samples - EDUARDO HERRERA - ZELMAR GARÍN - Ahí vienen! - YouTube

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JUAN CARLOS CÁCERES Y JEAN PAUL PRIOXVer información de la banda
"Música aleatoria 1968/69 - (CDr) "

(2013) - Noseso Records
CDr - digi-sleeve

Juan Carlos Cáceres, Fine Arts student, pianist and trombone player, arrived in Paris in 1968, after have been part of the Existentialist scene in Buenos Aires. Shortly thereafter he met Jean-Paul Priox, together with whom they recorded a series of tracks, experimenting with the use of two separate recorders, as well as all the instruments and resources available to them at the time.

Samples - JUAN CARLOS CÁCERES Y JEAN PAUL PRIOX - Música aleatoria 1968/69 - Noseso site

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RIBICIC, GUSTAVOVer información de la banda
"Gustavo Ribicic"

(2011) - Noseso Records
CD - digi-sleeve

The recently deceased Gustavo Ribicic was a highly recognized composer and agitator of the Experimental scene. His very first CD compiles small sound pieces and fragments of concerts which were held between 1986 / 2005. It is especially the new forms, textures and his own fullness of tones that stand out the most.

Samples - GUSTAVO RIBICIC - Gustavo Ribicic - YouTube

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YSASA, MARICELVer información de la banda
"Nacerán las hojas "

(2009) - Noseso Records
CD - digi-sleeve

This is the first album by this singer-songwriter and it gathers together a cluster of beautiful acoustic, albeit brief compositions. A record which is bereft of any sort of studio artificiality, trickery and wizardry: it is an organic, artisan-like and natural recording, comprised of eleven compositions, mostly buoyed up by her lovely voice and circular guitar arpeggios, which effortlessly endow her melodies with a haunting and hypnotic character.

Samples - MARICEL YSASA - Nacerán las hojas - YouTube

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FUTBOLVer información de la banda
"Elige tu propia aventura"

(2003) - I.P.
CD - digi-tray

This is the threesome's first album-formatted offering, and it is inspired by the "Choose Your Own Adventure" series of game-books, which were so popular during the eighties and the nineties. The fourteen Instrumental tracks are based in a kind of incidental way on different chapters of the saga, and done in a style reminiscent of the movie soundtracks from the sixties, as they blend together Electronic, Psychedelic, Progressive, and Groove sonic undertones together.  

Samples - FUTBOL - Elige tu propia aventura - Grooveshark

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DESATANUDOSVer información de la banda
"Maraton - DVD"

(2014) - Edén s.r.l.
DVD - digi-tray special pack

Audiovisual material by this outfit which currently comprises the participation of eight band-members, and which mutates its line-ups on every cut. The Fusion of Avant Jazz, Contemporary Music, Progressive Rock, and Psychedelia are accompanied by male and female voices which actually sound like an additional instrument. This DVD was filmed live during only one day, in Cerro Azul (a highland citadel), by assembling a complete recording studio in someone's home.

Video Samples - DESATANUDOS - Maraton - DVD - YouTube

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ATARAXIAVer información de la banda
"La malédiction d’Odine"

(1994) - Twilight Records
CD - digi-pack

After being deleted out of catalogue on two separate occasions, one of the early works by this essential Italian Dark Folk Medieval band is finally re-released to a starving market. Hauntingly obscure and gorgeous melodies abound, and are all sung by a Classically-trained female vocalist.

Samples - ATARAXIA - La malédiction d’Odine - YouTube

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SARTÉN SYSTEMVer información de la banda
"Hoy x hoy"

(1991) - Melopea

José Luis "Sartén" Asaresi, musician and sound man, shared the Argentine eighties' music scene with some very important colleagues of the times. In 1987, together with Gustavo Donés and J. L. "Coyote" Damiani, he created this project which was recorded with the assistance of numerous guest musicians. Together they produced this, their only album, which was Fusion-orientated and based on typical period guitars experimenting with the multiple sonic processes of those heady days.

Samples - SARTÉN SYSTEM - Hoy x hoy - Grooveshark

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GABIS, CLAUDIOVer información de la banda
"En vivo en MJ Pub"

(2013) - Fonocal

One of the key pioneers of Argentine Rock, Claudio Gabis was the guitarist of the mythical Power Trio, Manal. Claudio is still playing today and earning his daily bread by performing concerts based on the rich repertoire of his vast trajectory in the music business. This CD is a reflection of a gig he played at MJ Pub in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on October 12, 2013.

Samples - CLAUDIO GABIS - En vivo MJ Pub - YouTube

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JUANITO EL CANTORVer información de la banda
"El sueño de las ballenas - (CD+ DVD)"

(2014) - Club del disco
CD + DVD - digi-sleeve

Conceptual work boasting emotional songs and pure fantasy richness of sound, featuring the most refined Folk and Progressive execution attitude heard in a quite a long while. Juanito really took his time to produce this new record, as he recorded it during a period of seven years! The resulting quality is of a very highly elevated magnitude. The DVD features a film full of visual sweetness of the same tone and beauty as presented in the CD. 

Video Samples - JUANITO EL CANTOR - El sueño de las ballenas - Vimeo

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FRAGMENTOS DE MÚSICAVer información de la banda
"Capítulo primero - (CDr)"

(2014) - I.P.
CDr - digi-pack

This personal project was created and undertaken by Darío Torcisi, who recorded his music on keyboards, MIDI programs and various percussive instruments. This is his very first Instrumental incursion into Melodic Progressive Rock territory, and features undeniable references to his past works with Mar aún. Without any doubt, this is a very typical album by a multi-instrumental type of musician.

Samples - FRAGMENTOS DE MÚSICA - Capítulo primero - Bandcamp

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POLICROMÍAVer información de la banda
"De ánimos partir…"

(2014) - Ultrapop

Policromía is rather an explosive Progressive Hard Rock Power Trio, which incorporates all sorts of influences into their trademark sound: Led Zeppelin, Luis Alberto Spinetta (and other iconic seventies' references too), as well as the current sonic qualities of Pez. Their songs mutate from a powerful Hard Rock style to passages of Blues, Fusion and Psychedelia.

Samplers - POLICROMÍA - De ánimos partir... - Bandcamp

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ALBERTO CHISLOVSKY / JORGE CHIKIARVer información de la banda
"Caelus impros - (CDr)"

(2014) - I.P.
CDr - papersleeve

This is the twosome's very first collaborative recorded effort, in which synthesizers and various keyboards cross each other in a kind of Improvisational frenzy during their Instrumental Experimental Electronic Music. Comparatively speaking, we could affirm that this is somewhat similar stylistically, though far more complex, to the likes of Tangerine Dream et al.

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VENDIENDO INGLATERRA POR UNA LIBRA - Norberto CambiassoVer información de la banda
"Una historia social del Rock Progresivo británico - Tomo I: transiciones de la Psicodelia"

(2014) - Gourmet Musical Ediciones

Argentine - Book in Spanish - Format 23 x 15 cm. in printing paper with 400 black & white / coloured cover.

This first volume kicks off with the analysis of a couple of seminal records, which were released during the iconic 1967 "Summer of Love": "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band", by The Beatles and "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn", by Pink Floyd. The multiple transformations that Progressive Rock endured all the way until its' final decay and loss of influence, started with the transitioning years from Prog to Psychedelia (1967 / 1968). Through three extensive essays, the book approaches the stories behind some of the most important and definitive bands of the Progressive genre: Yes, Pink Floyd and Emerson, Lake and Palmer.

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LITTO NEBBIA & MIRTHA DEFILPOVer información de la banda
"Toda canción será plegaria / The naked world "

(1977-1978) - Melopea

Immediately prior to his exile in Mexico, Litto Nebbia recorded an album of very intimate and atmospheric songs together with his lyricist Mirtha Defilpo. "Toda canción será plegaria" consisted of a bare minimum amount of piano and synthesizer instrumentation. Upon his arrival on Mexican soil, he produced "The Naked World", which heralded his initiation into Latin Fusion musical territory, and entirely sung in English!

Samples - LITTO NEBBIA - MIRTHA DEFILPO - Toda canción será plegaria - YouTube

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NEBBIA, LITTOVer información de la banda
"Canciones para cada uno Vol. 1 y 2 - (2 CDs)"

(1977) - Melopea
2 CDs

The year 1977 was extremely prolific for Nebbia in terms of featuring in many different session recordings, as he contributed his talents to albums by various musical greats such as Rodolfo Alchourron, Dino Saluzzi, Manolo Juárez, Domingo Cura, Rodolfo Mederos, and others. As a direct consequence to so many hours of studio-generated material, theses songs were recorded in parallel to those sessions, and then featured in this work which was originally conceived as a double album, though finally released as two separate LPs.

Samples - LITTO NEBBIA - Canciones para cada uno Vol. 1 y 2 - YouTube

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MINGUI INGARAMOVer información de la banda
"El viento el tiempo"

(2014) - Melopea
CD - digi-pack

This is Mingui's second solo effort, presented here in a threesome format of piano, drums and stand-up bass guitar. Added to these is a Full Chamber Orchestra (strings and horns), and together they undertake a Symphonic Suite, which contributes some terrific groovy and Jazzy elements to the overall sound and mix.

Samples - MINGUI INGARAMO - El viento el tiempo - YouTube

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ATARAXIAVer información de la banda
"Paris spleen"

(2006) - Twilight Records
CD - digi-pack

A welcome to the Cabaret From Hell, so to speak, and a highly unusual attraction which brings artists both dead and alive together for a really grotesque and macabre show, and through astonishment and admiration transports us back to the lovely Paris of the Belle Epoque, more precisely to the Montmartre Cabaret of Terror. Without a shadow of a doubt, this is the band's darkest, perturbing, strange, and terrifying album...

Samples - ATARAXIA - Paris spleen - YouTube

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PICAPORTERSVer información de la banda

(2013) - Sick-O-Delic Records

Hailing all the way from La Plaata, the capital city of the province of Buenos Aires, comes this potent Stoner Rock / Psychedelia / Doom (albeit a softer, more Experimental treatment) Power Trio. Their compositions are sung almost entirely in Spanish, and the outfit's influences can be effortlessly traced back to Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath and Jimi Hendrix.

Samples - PICAPORTERS - Elefantes - Bandcamp

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MATOS, ALEJANDROVer información de la banda

(2006) - I.P.

This composer and multi-instrumentalist, in conjunction with his guitar as the principal sonic reference, has released his first CD after two previous recorded efforts. Together with influences he absorbed during his youth, Alejandro recreates Gothic and Dark Progressive atmospheres sung in Spanish and arranged along two conceptual suites.

Samples - ALEJANDRO MATOS - Persona - Bandcamp

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REFAY, FERNANDO Ver información de la banda
"The day we came to realise - (CDr)"

(2014) - I.P.

This keyboardist and composer introduces us to his brand new Conceptual production which loans references from Classic and Electronic Music, and transfers them towards a more Hard Progressive and Symphonic Rock-leaning sound. The result produces common sonic denominators with the likes of Erik Norlander and The Dream Theater. This, Fernando's second album, features several guest musicians' contributions.

Samples - FERNANDO REFAY - The day we came to realise - YouTube

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(2014) - Club del disco

In this their sixth recorded output, the threesome explores what lies in between conventional and risky sonic tapestries, in search of a Jazz / Funk / Blues and A Go Go Fusion, a characteristic which is very much akin to organ trios from the sixties.

Samples - FERNANDO RUSCONI HAMMOND ORGAN TRÍO - Oscuridad - Bandcamp

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"No moon, no sun, no age"

(2012) - I.P.

This time around with a brand new trio formation together with Pablo Vernieri on electric guitar and Ezequiel "Chino" Piazza on drums, we once again encounter an inspired as always Rusconi with regard to his own compositions, as well as an interesting approach towards recording other songwriters' material.

Samples - FERNANDO RUSCONI HAMMOND ORGAN TRÍO - No moon, no sun, no age - Bandcamp

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"Lost in time"

(2010) - I.P.

Cultivator of the Hammond organ in Argentina, Fernando unveils his fourth phonographic work in which he plays a very melodically accessible and groovy Instrumental Jazz & Funk. The other components of this trio are Timothy Cid on drums and guitarist Ryan Anderson.

Samples - FERNANDO RUSCONI HAMMOND ORGAN TRÍO - Lost in time - Bandcamp

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PANZAVer información de la banda
"Pequeños fracasos v2.0"

(2007) - Ultrapop

After their first four albums, Panza finally started to more than insinuate Progressive inclinations in their style, by re-adapting some of their classic tracks with different sound landscapes and instrumentation (for example piano and saxophone took priority over the guitar), besides also reinforcing their sound with different arrangements.

Samples - PANZA - Pequeños fracasos v2.0 - YouTube

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DREAM THEATERVer información de la banda
"Live at Luna Park - (2 DVDs)"

(2011) - Leader Music
2 DVDs

Argentine edition of this double DVD, filmed during the final leg of their “A dramatic Tour of events” world tour in July 2011, captures Dream Theater igniting the Luna Park Arena in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Completed with a documentary, a trailer for the cinematic release.

Video Samples - DREAM THEATER - Live at Luna Park - YouTube

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ENSAMBLE CHANCHO A CUERDAVer información de la banda

(2014) - Noseso Records
CD - digi-sleeve

This ensemble has established itself as a septet which works on an own repertoire basis consisting of free and directed songs, as well as improvisations. This, the outfit's third effort, wanders between songs of indigenous roots and Instrumental compositions featuring complex harmonies and delicate melodies.

Samples - ENSAMBLE CHANCHO A CUERDA - Deconstrucción - Bandcamp

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RIKI RIKI TAVE Y LA BANDA MISTERIOSAVer información de la banda
"Llorando en Corea"

(2011) - Noseso Records

Argentine quartet which hails from the western area of Buenos Aires and presents the incorporation of the band's fifth member in this, their third album. Presenting a high content of Blues and Psychedelia, with clear references to the seventies, the foursome mixes influences which vary from Captain Beefheart, Frank Zappa, Miguel Abuelo, Manal, and the immortal Luis Alberto Spinetta.

Samples - RIKI RIKI TAVE Y LA BANDA MISTERIOSA - Llorando en Corea - Bandcamp

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MINDSLAVEVer información de la banda
"Secular indulgence"

(2014) - PRV Label

"Secular Indulgence" represents an auspicious and encouraging debut for this Progressive / Symphonic Hard Rock quartet, which also features occasional flashes of Metal and Fusion. Their songs (which are sung in English) traverse the pathway of bands such as Riverside, Dream Theatre and Láquesis.

Samples - MINDSLAVE - Secular indulgence - Grooveshark

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MATERIA GRISVer información de la banda
"Ohperra vida de Beto"

(1972) - Fonocal

This album is generally considered to officially be the very first Argentine Rock Opera release. Fronted by leader Julio Presas, their Spanish-sung music offered a wide variety of genres, such as Psychedelia, Progressive Rock, Folk, and Jazzy moments within a satirical tale about the course of a person's life during those agitated and conflicting early seventies' days in Argentine history. This CD also includes four bonus tracks, which represent the A & B sides of the singles they previously launched to "Ohperra vida de Beto." 

Samples - MATERIA GRIS - Ohperra vida de Beto - YouTube

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AVE ROCKVer información de la banda

(1977) - Fonocal

Three years after they released their first album in 1974, Ave Rock returned in 1977 with a new line-up and launched "Espacios", the group's second L.P. Consisting of barely three tracks (two of them being of extra long duration), this record is much more Symphonic than its predecessor, and features many references towards the music of outfits such as Yes and Flash.

Samples - AVE ROCK - Espacios - YouTube

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SQUIZOJAMVer información de la banda
"Abierto cierra"

(2013) - Noseso Records
CD - digi-pack

Squizojam was born as a Free Improvisational twosome formed by Omar Grandoso and Agustín Martire. This new record of theirs incorporates contributions from other musicians and by doing so, they spontaneously become a nine-piece which effortlessly wanders terrifically between Free Jazz and Contemporary Music.  

Video Samples - SQUIZOJAM - Abierto cierra - Vimeo

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RIKI RIKI TAVE Y LA BANDA MISTERIOSAVer información de la banda
"Dormido cayendo"

(2013) - Noseso Records

For this fourth album, the outfit evolves towards something a little more complex. This record boasts an interesting combination of Progressive Rock and Psychedelia, with slight Experimental touches and certain winks in the general direction of Spinetta and Bubu. 

Samples - RIKI RIKI TAVE Y LA BANDA MISTERIOSA - Dormido cayendo - Bandcamp

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TIGRES EN LA LLUVIA - Martín GrazianoVer información de la banda
"La aventura de Invisible en El Jardín de los Presentes"

(2017) - Colección Vademécum

Argentine - Book in Spanish - Format 20 x 14 cm. In printing paper with 200 black & white pages -  illustration coloured paper / coloured cover. Expanded Edition 2022.

On the afternoon of May 24, 1976, Argentine foursome Invisible entered the local CBS studios, located on Paraguay Street #1500 in downtown Buenos Aires, to record their third long player. By the end of that year, the group would cease to exist. If Invisible is perhaps the most valued band in Spinetta's career, "El jardín de los presentes" is the culminating point of a brief but intense discography work. In eight songs (many of them became local scene stalwart classics), Spinetta condenses a part of his cosmogony and lays the foundations for his immediate future as a solo artist, as well as fronting Spinetta Jade. Martín Graziano reconstructs with remarkable journalistic and music-loving expertise all the episodes that went through the gestation and impact of the appearance of this record at the end of 1976. A tiny but definitive period of time during which Luis Alberto Spinetta, Carlos Machi Rufino, Héctor Pomo Lorenzo, and Tomás Gubistch recorded a key album in the history of Argentine Popular Music from the last half century.

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ENSAMBLE ATALAYA BANG!Ver información de la banda
"La Matanza Argentina - (CD + DVD)"

(2012) - Noseso Records
CD + DVD - mini lp

Experimental Music compositions inspired in the present reality of the La Matanza district, a suburb located west of the city of Buenos Aires, which attempts to bring a critical and mystical vision of an area disregarded due to social oblivion, neglect and omission. The music featured here was written by Zelmar Garín for this eleven-piece ensemble, the musicians of which hail from the La Matanza region. The audiovisual DVD included in this package was put together by Mariano Raffo.

Video Samples - ENSAMBLE ATALAYA BANG! - La Matanza Argentina - Vimeo

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AIRE LÍQUIDO ENSAMBLEVer información de la banda

(2014) - Noseso Records
CD + libro

Under the direction and composition leadership of Cristian Luzza, this ensemble of almost 20 musicians performs a basically Instrumental and Contemporary type of Music, with the added bonus of standard Rock instruments. Their Neo Classical end product is along the melodic lines of outfits such as Gatto Marte.

Samples - AIRE LÍQUIDO ENSAMBLE - Mantra - Bandcamp

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ÁCIDO CANARIOVer información de la banda
"Volúmen 5 - El impostor"

(2013) - Noseso Records
CD - mini-lp

This here, the fifth recorded effort by the project led by Zelmar Garín, varies from its album precursors: the musical style changes with each track, with dissimilar cuts that can go through passages of Eclectic Rock, Psychedelia (Billy Bond), Free Rock, Improvisational, R.I.O., (Henry Cow), and many other genres. 

Samples - ÁCIDO CANARIO - Volúmen 5 - El impostor - Bandcamp

U$S 15

ROTTEN APPLESVer información de la banda

(2014) - VIAJERO INMÓVIL Records

Emerging Instrumental Power Trio from the Southern region of the Greater Buenos Aires area. Rotten Apples' style is focused on Neo Psychedelic / Progressive Rock, spiced with slight strokes of  Space Rock, Post Rock and Jazz. Their ultra raw sound, as if it were recorded live in concert, is one of their strongest assets.

Samples - ROTTEN APPLES - Orbe - Bandcamp

U$S 14

"En el Teatro “El círculo de Rosario” - Homenaje a Piazzolla"

(2014) - Fonocal

Under the cycle MAPp, created by the very prestigious pianist Martha Argerich, a series of shows were held at the Teatro El círculo de Rosario (province of Santa Fé, Argentina). During such an occasion, homage was paid to the music of the legendary Tango maestro Astor Piazzolla on October 20th, 2012. This CD includes superb tribute performances brilliantly executed by these other talented maestros.

Samples - M. ARGERICH - D. RIVERA - N. MARCONI - En el Teatro “El círuclo de Rosario” - Homenaje a Piazzolla - YouTube

U$S 15

BARRO MENTALVer información de la banda

(2014) - Fonocal

Formed at the dawn of the seventies and possessors of a Hard Rock style in the Pescado Rabioso / Led Zeppelin tradition and vein, Barro Mental were never able to release an album back then. Now at long last the wait is over: after more than 40 years going by, the group has finally recorded its' music and made it publicly available! The Barro Mental lads were accompanied during these sessions by some of the musicians in Nexus. 

Samples - BARRO MENTAL - Infusino - YouTube

U$S 15

GINKGOBILOBAVer información de la banda
"La tostada y el gato"

(2014) - Magosha Records
CD - simil vinilo 7"

Transformed into a foursome and with added percussion, the group now focuses its musical intent and identity on songs of a more raw and violent power, close to King Crimson and Luis Alberto Spinetta, albeit with melodies typical of Argentina's Folk Music movement.

Samples - GINKGOBILOBA - La tostada y el gato - Bandcamp

U$S 15

FUTBOLVer información de la banda
"El diente ausente - DVD"

(2014) - I.P.
DVD - digi-pack

For the first time in their artistic history, Futbol releases a product in an audiovisual format. This DVD presents live-in-concert footage which was filmed and recorded during the FestiPez 2013 mega-event. The open-air gig itself took place on the gigantic Konex stage in front of thousands of adoring fans. This filmed material not only includes the band's performance at the festival, but also adds other ingredients which contribute just as well to the overall identity of the band.

Video Samples - FUTBOL - El diente ausente - YouTube

U$S 15

FOBOSVer información de la banda

(2014) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack

Of an undeniably obvious Neo Progressive trend is the prevailing style of this trio's beginnings. Fobos shows strong influence affiliations towards bands like Marillion, Genesis and Pink Floyd in their songs (which by the way are all sung in Spanish). The album's sound production is firmly rooted in the typical sonic and tonal quality of late seventies' Prog and Symphonic Rock.

Samples - FOBOS - Fobos - Bandcamp


U$S 15

EL RELOJVer información de la banda
"El reloj"

(1975) - Sony Music
CD - digi-pack

Remastered re-release digi-pack with new bonus tracks of the first album of this Heavy Progressive band of the seventies.

Samples - EL RELOJ - El Reloj - YouTube


U$S 15

POROTTAVer información de la banda

(2014) - Supercharango S.A.

Here are the very first works by this Pop Rock quintet, which feature arrangements and a kind of sonority normally associated with the ranks of Progressive Rock, always within the peripheral edges of this genre. 

Samples - POROTTA - Porotta - YouTube

U$S 15

LA NUBE MÁGICAVer información de la banda
"La nube mágica"

(2013) - I.P.
CD - special plastic pack

Under the leadership of "Juanito el cantor", the music of this 12-member musical association unfolds within the format of Folk / Rock songs, based principally on their choral arrangements, with metaphorical and even absurd lyrics which propel this large band into a certain Psychedelic and theatrical character-type of realm.

Samples - LA NUBE MÁGICA - La nube mágica - Bandcamp

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HONDURASVer información de la banda

(2014) - I.P.

Now reduced to a threesome which has introduced a programmed rhythm base into their sound, the band faces this new stage of its' path with tracks which possess the very same fullness of tone and ideas as their previous incarnation. At first listen, the trio's music is associated to Robert Wyatt.

Samples - HONDURAS - Cinco - Bandcamp

U$S 15

CUCOVer información de la banda

(2013) - I.P.
CD - metal tin box

Former members of Milica (originally hailing from the city of La Plata) re-ignited their musical career through this brand new project. Their indecipherable, intricate sound is developed within the Experimental Rock field: raw sound, Noise, brushstrokes of Punk, Stoner Rock and Post Rock.

Samples - CUCO - Cuco - Bandcamp

U$S 15

PULQUEVer información de la banda
"Viaje a la última frontera"

(2013) - Sick-O-Delic Records

Basados es sus excelentes riffs que reflejan lo más crudo del Stoner Rock argentino, este cuarteto edita su primer álbum luego de evolucionar con el correr de los años, hasta lograr un estilo propio marcado por las diferentes influencias de cada integrante. 

Samples - PULQUE - Viaje a la última frontera - Bandcamp

U$S 15

MONTENEGROVer información de la banda
"Confusos recuerdos después del coma"

(2013) - Sick-O-Delic Records

Cuarteto de Rock Psicodélico con afinaciones y matices provenientes del Stoner Rock, que son el medio para la búsqueda constante de mixturas atrayentes y contrapuestas: sonidos del Spaghetti Western, ritmos balcánicos, música Folklórica Argentina y pasajes de Space Rock. 

Samples - MONTENEGRO - Confusos recuerdos después del coma - Bandcamp

U$S 15

ARARATVer información de la banda
"Cabalgata hacia la luz"

(2014) - Oui Oui Records

This is the third album by the outfit led by Sergio Chotsourian (formerly of Natas), which now introduces us to a new lineup, and with a more potent and raucous sound, featuring plenty of Argentine-styled rhythms, Stoner Rock and Electronic Trance.

Samples - ARARAT - Cabalgata hacia la luz - Bandcamp

U$S 15

TRAFFIC SOUNDVer información de la banda
"A bailar Go Go"

(1968) - Repsychled Records
CD - mini-lp

After three singles in 1968, Mag Records gives them the chance to release their first album (not properly an LP but a 21 minutes EP) made with covers from Hendrix, Cream and others, but with a special Latin touch. This new CD includes many bonus tracks.

Samples - TRAFFIC SOUND - A bailar Go Go - YouTube

U$S 0

NEW JUGGLER SOUNDVer información de la banda
"New juggler sound"

(1967/68) - Repsychled Records
CD - mini-lp

Esta banda Peruana de Beat/Psych/Garage formada en el año 1965 fue el embrión de lo que luego sería Laghonia. Con influencias de The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Zombies, Kinks y Yardbirds, ellos comenzaban a experimentar sonidos.

Samples - NEW JUGGLER SOUND - Soundcloud

U$S 0

HÁBITATVer información de la banda
"Utensilios y artilugios"

(2014) - Lizard Records

Right from the dark, eerie and very suggestive album's cover artwork, we can perceive changes in the band's pathway. The group's fifth studio effort attempts a brand new search within its own parameters, and the songs musically re-create the stories that we are told about in their lyrics.

Samples - HÁBITAT - Utensilios y artilugios - Bandcamp

U$S 15

PAJARITO ZAGURIVer información de la banda
"Pájaro y La Murga del Rock and Roll"

(1975/76) - Fonocal

Pionero del Rock Argentino, formó parte de Los Beatniks (1966) y grupos como La barra de chocolate y Piel de pueblo, entre otros. Su primer LP solista fue grabado junto a sus compañeros de ruta, siendo fiel a su estilo de Hard Blues, Rock and Roll y Psicodelia.

Samples - PAJARITO ZAGURI - Pájaro y La Murga del Rock and Roll - YouTube

U$S 15

PROTOFONIAVer información de la banda

(2013) - Editio Princeps

Instrumental trio born in 2006 in Brasilia whose work merges Progressive Rock and Jazz with elements of Contemporary & Electroacoustic Music and free improvisation. Their influences range from Progressive bands like King Crimson and Henry Cow to avant-garde artists like Keith Tippett and Ornette Coleman.

Samples - PROTOFONIA - Protofonia - Soundcloud

U$S 20

KERNUNNAVer información de la banda
"The seim anew"

(2013) - Braia Produçoes

This band hails originally from the city of Minas Gerais (Brazil), and is formed by seven musicians who combine Celtic Music with Progressive Rock and Folk Metal. In this first album, their vocal arrangements, as well as the constantly virtuous violin playing, clearly stand-out in this excellent production. 

Samples - KERNUNNA - The seim anew - Soundcloud

U$S 20

EL GÜEVOVer información de la banda
"El güevo"

(2011) - Cool du monde
LP vinilo

Único registro sonoro disponible de esta mítica banda de Jazz Rock instrumental de la década del 80 formada por Juan “Pollo” Raffo. En marzo de 2011 se reunieron varios músicos originales de aquella formación y grabaron sus viejas canciones en formato LP vinilo.

Samples - EL GÜEVO - El güevo (AfroRaffo) - Soundcloud MP3 Samplers - EL GÜEVO - El güevo (Che qué queré) - Soundcloud

U$S 35

TÉSIS ÁRSISVer información de la banda
"Estado de alerta máximo"

(2004) - I.P.

This album is dedicated to all those animals which have been indiscriminately murdered. As a consequence of this concept, the group's Instrumental Symphonic Rock sound has a darker side than their first record.

Samples - TÉSIS ÁRSIS - Estado de alerta máximo - YouTube

U$S 20

COLUCCI, LUISVer información de la banda

(2013) - VIAJERO INMÓVIL Records

The leader of the renowned Argentine band Tanger has decided to go adventuring on his own with this, his very first solo outing ever and which was conceived and produced entirely in his own home studio. Faithfully and loyally sticking to his own musical motivational guns, he once again submerges himself into the Crimsonian sub-world. It is now replaced by the sonic presence of additional guitars and keyboards.

Samples - LUIS COLUCCI - Secuencia - Bandcamp

U$S 14

VIRGEMVer información de la banda
"Indio - (2 CDs)"

(2013) - SonoAr
2 CDs - special digi-pack

Virgem commenced its musical career path back in mid-1972 in the Argentine province of Santa Fé, as the group was rehearsing for the presentation of a lengthy Rock Opera, the lyrics and music of which were the authorship of two of the band's founding members: Horacio Bidarra & Miguel Bertolino. After many years of delays, the project finally came to light and the resulting album was released as a 2 CDs work consisting of 36 songs, 10 characters, 4 choirs, and the performances of 11 singers.

Samples - VIRGEM - Indio - YouTube

U$S 22

NEBBIA, LITTOVer información de la banda
"Muerte en la catedral - (CD papersleeve + book)"

(1973) - Página 12
CD - papersleeve + libro

Special 40th anniversary release which was personally supervised by the classic album's own creator. This deluxe release includes a book with photos, lyrics, poems, and various writings. The album comes with a newly remastered sound.

Samples - LITTO NEBBIA - Muerte en la catedral - YouTube

U$S 12

DE CRONOPIOSVer información de la banda

(2012) - I.P.
CD - digi-tray

This quartet amalgamates different tendencies and sonorities under the Progressive Rock and Psychedelic concept. Vocally speaking, the lads come close to Pez, as well as instrumental passages with recognizable influences from The Mars Volta and King Crimson, besides their own Experimental touches and other sonic elements they have subconciously picked up on the way. 

Samples - DE CRONOPIOS - Olum - Bandcamp

U$S 15

ENSAMBLE REALBOOKARGENTINAVer información de la banda

(2013) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack

Here we have the second coming from this ambitious Argentine musical project conglomerate. In this new offering they perform classified scores from the Contemporary Argentine Jazz scene, under the direction and arrangements of current local avavnt-garde musicians, who most definitely get to include their mark on each and every one of the album's tracks.

Samples - ENSAMBLE REALBOOK ARGENTINA - Contemplación - YouTube

U$S 15

FUTBOLVer información de la banda
"Más bambino que nunca!"

(2005) - I.P.

With a totally unpredictable and unstructured style, this guitar, violin and drums threesome recorded this, their second disc. They were accompanied in its making by Chamber instruments, which contribute to the general sense of organized harmonic chaos. They wander through 60's & 70's soundtracks mixed with Crimsonian noises, and the rawness of Eastern European Punk Rock. A very peculiar combo.

Samples - FUTBOL - Más bambino que nunca! - YouTube

U$S 15

CATU KUÁVer información de la banda

(2013) - I.P.
CD - digi-tray

Catukuá was created by Carolina Restuccia, the vocalist with Factor Burzaco. This here is their first album outing, and brings together a series of eclectic and very personal songs during which her voice plays a commanding role through a distinctive and expressive vocal range, relatively close in style, colour and tone to the voices of Deborah Perry (Thinking Plague) or Bjork.

Samples - KUÁ - Lomas - Bandcamp

U$S 15

GABIS, CLAUDIOVer información de la banda
"Convocatoria - (2 CDs)"

(1995-1997) - Fonocal
2 CDs

Recorded together with very important Argentine and Spaniard musicians with whom he has worked with during his extensive artistic career, this double album brings together the entire recorded output from his Convocatoria I and II projects: a series of own Blues, Rock and Fusion compositions, as well as songs written by other people. Includes two bonus unreleased tracks. 

Samples - CLAUDIO GABIS - Convocatoria - YouTube

U$S 22

GRUPO UMVer información de la banda
"Reflexões Sobre a Crise do desejo.../ "

(1981) - Editio Princeps

The second album is a landmark in the band career. The group developed some of their most complex themes ever, mixing extremely elaborated compositions of Jazz, improvisation and Avant garde.

Samples - GRUPO UM - Reflexões Sobrea Crise do Desejo.../ - YouTube

U$S 20

LÁQUESISVer información de la banda

(2013) - VIAJERO INMÓVIL Records

Debut outing by this Argentine quintet established in the city of Rosario (province of Santa Fé), which has really made a name for itself within the Progressive / Symphonic Rock and Prog Fusion with a very Contemporary-sounding style. The group's music is dynamic, varied and mostly Instrumental, and also featuring sporadic passages tinted with shades of Hard Rock and Jazz-influenced climaxes. 


Samples - LÁQUESIS - Láquesis - Bandcamp

U$S 0

ALMAVer información de la banda
"Sobre fantasías"

(2008) - Record Runner

Alma is a duet conformed by guitarrist Carlos Lucena (Nexus) and Roxana Truccolo on keyboards and vocals. This project blends together Progressive Folk, Celtic melodies, and Baroque Music, all seen from the view of a Rock lense type of perspective.

Samples - ALMA - Sobre fantasías - Soundcloud

U$S 15

WENCHI LAZO - EMILIO HAROVer información de la banda
"En suspensión"

(2013) - Radiaciones armónicas / Cardo
CD - digi-tray

Improvisational Music executed through varied sounds and effects of guitars, all under the watchful eye and creative guidance of Emilio Haro, who was in charge of producing, editing and mixing this album.

Samples - WENCHI LAZO - EMILIO HARO - “En suspensión” - Soundcloud

U$S 15

HINCAPIÉVer información de la banda

(1977) - Mucha Madera Producciones

This was a typical Argentine Folk-Rock threesome, in a similar sonic vein to Sui Generis, Vivencia and Pacífico, and which had a very ephemeral existence. The announced release of their first album was truncated due to their record label going bankrupt. Thankfully, one of the trio's members kept a copy of that recording on a cassette!! Here then is the long-overdue CD launch of the group's first album, which also includes bonus live performances from its' period.

Samples - HINCAPIÉ - Hincapié - YouTube

U$S 15

SAGRADOVer información de la banda
"Grande espírito"

(1994) - Sonhos & sons

Fourth album, arguably his best work showing his classic and touching Symphonic songs coming together with effortless ease and astonishing talent.

Samples - SAGRADO - Grande espirito - YouTube

U$S 20

SAGRADOVer información de la banda
"Farol da libertade"

(1991) - Sonhos & sons

The group consolidates its original style in this, their third album. Delicate, very emotional and sentimental melodies, featuring terrific instrumental development and performances. 

Samples - SAGRADO - Farol da libertade - YouTube

U$S 20

SAGRADOVer información de la banda

(1987) - Sonhos & sons

Second helping which confirms their very own Symphonic trade mark, where the violin leads the way accompanied by various instruments developing emotional melodies, loaded with sensitivity and inspired lyrics. 

Samples - SAGRADO - Flecha - YouTube

U$S 20

SAGRADOVer información de la banda
"Sagrado coração da terra"

(1984) - Sonhos & sons

Debut album by this famous Brazilian band lead by violinist Marcus Viana, who together with a large number of musicians conceives a refined and sophisticated Symphonic Rock full of romanticism and nostalgia sung in Poruguese. 

Samples - SAGRADO - Sagrado coração da terra - YouTube

U$S 20

UN LINYERA ESTABLECIDO - Rubens (Donvi) VitaleVer información de la banda
"Diálogos sobre política, música y educación"

(2013) - Ciclo 3 Ediciones

Argentin- Book in Spanish - Format 21 x 15 cm. in printing paper with 184 black & white / coloured cover & photos.

Between May and September of 2012 Rubens Vitale (Donvi) was interviewed by renowned Argentine Music Journalist Pablo Arias, with whom he shared the ideas which animated and impacted all of his existence as a political leader, trade unionist, point of reference in Argentina for the self-management of musical production, and professor. His project is to pour all of these experiences in a book aimed at the youth. Unfortunately he wasn't able to bring it to a conclusion, as he sadly passed away on October 27. Donvi was an excellent exhibitor, as well as a vast creator of ideas, and possessed a very particular method which combined timings, spaces, and collection of topics, that somehow all finally converged and combined together to flow into a central proposal.

U$S 17

HÁBITATVer información de la banda
"Tratando de respirar en la furia"

(2010) - HTT / Lizard Records
CD - mini-lp

Habitat arrives at its fourth album full of maturity, consolidating their music through their now customary influences, which many compare to the Italian Progressive sounds of Le Orme. It is precisely a Spanish version of a composition by this band, “Gioco di bimba”, which features as one of the album's main highlights.

Samples - HÁBITAT - Tratando de respirar en la furia - Bandcamp

U$S 15

RAFFOVer información de la banda
"Al sur del Maldonado - Música de Flores Volumen 3"

(2013) - Pai Records

The third volume of this "Música de Flores" series from Argentina features a quartet formation which consists of keyboards, horns, bass, and drums. By fusing Jazz with Progressive Rock elements and also adding rhythms of other South American territories' music, the result they have achieved is rather splendid and unique.

Samples - RAFFO - Soundcloud

U$S 16

EPN TRÍOVer información de la banda
"La vaca - Vol. 1 & 2 - (2 CDs)"

(2013) - EPN Records & MAD
2 CDs - special pack

This threesome's music flows through uncommon places, being that it's a mixture of Contemporary Music with Jazz, in which erudite music rubs elbows so to speak with Rock in Opposition, Fusion, Rock, Funk, Hip-Hop, among many other influences. This double album is presented in a very special format with big post-cards and art galore!!!

Samples - EPN TRÍO - Vol. 1 & 2 - Bandcamp

U$S 19

ÜNDER LINDENVer información de la banda
"Espacios intermedios"

(2013) - VIAJERO INMÓVIL Records

With the incorporation of an additional keyboards player to the band, Ünder Linden intensifies the search for different nuances and overtones, as well as increasing the dialogue between its members' respective instruments. This inevitably creates a much more Symphonic atmosphere in the group's melodies. "Espacios intermedios" is the lads' second studio effort, and also presents a more in-depth quest for rhythmic variations in each composition featured on this album.

Samples - ÜNDER LINDEN - Espacios intermedios - Bandcamp

U$S 14

ÚNITRIVer información de la banda
"Minas, cantos e quintais"

(2013) - Universal

Únitri brings together the best elements of a fantastic and inspired Progressive / Symphonic Rock, blending an inventive combination from regional Brazilian Music, where we can hear emotional songs beautiful and refined, with an instrumentation sometimes deeply melodic.

Samples - ÚNITRI - Minas, cantos e quintais - Soundcloud

U$S 20

TÉSIS ÁRSISVer información de la banda
"Sinos da eternidade - (CDr)"

(2011) - I.P.

This here is the third recorded work undertaken by Anderson Rodrigues and his project. Just the same as with all of his previous efforts, Anderson continues down his Symphonic Rock streak of pleasing melodies, suite-styled compositions and surrounding atmospheres.

Samples - TÉSIS ÁRSIS - Sinos da eternidade - YouTube

U$S 15

BENCHIMOL, SÉRGIOVer información de la banda
"Ciclos imaginários"

(2007) - I.P.

In this, Sergio's sophomore album, Rock is momentarily set aside as he intensifies the emphasis on his acoustic sonics. He accomplishes this through a Chamber Music formation, merging elements of Jazz, World Music, as well as a Progressive intention.

MP3 Samplers - SÉRGIO BENCHIMOL - Ciclos imaginários - YouTube

U$S 20

HARD TO BE A GODVer información de la banda
"And suddenly problems appeared "

(2013) - Twilight Records
CD - digi-pack

After their debut album , HTBAG return with new material, fresh, innovative and beautifull. Quite different than the first one, for first time the band included vocals, wich shows a new phase with longer and more elaborate songs, notable influences from Progressive Rock, Post Rock and some Hard passages. 

Samples - HARD TO BE A GOD - And suddenly problems appeared - Soundcloud


U$S 16