VIAJERO INMOVIL Records is a personal project created in August 1999 devoted to promoting and distributing the music of Independent Progressive groups from Argentina and South America, thus trying to promote all the so-called "Progressive Music": Progressive Rock, Symphonic Rock, Neo Prog, Beat Music, Psychedelia, Hard Rock, Folk, Jazz Rock, Fusion, R.I.O., Chamber Music, Post Rock, Avant Tango, etc.
(1995) - Twilight Records
CD - digi-pack
The first part of the album, dedicated to Springtime and the awakening of nature, features passionate songs evoking mysterious airy escapades. The second part, inspired by Autumn, opens with a sacred hymn to reach a very hazardous level of experimentation.
Samples - ATARAXIA - The moon sang on the april chair - YouTube
(2012) - Ediciones Alcyone Music
CD - digi-pack
This dimensional musician, composer, writer, and Mystic Instructor has already released several CDs featuring Meditational and Relax Music. In this new album his focus is to produce and perform Spatial Music through Symphonic and Electronic sounds with moments of Eastern percussion, cosmic climaxes and energetic atmospheres.
Samples - AMÁN URIM - Mundos de luz - YouTube
(1972) - Repsychled Records
CD - mini-lp
Here we have the very first album released by the legendary Peruvian Melodic Psychedelic Pop Rock band, which came together back in 1971 in Lima. The group's sound was heavily influenced by The Beatles, as well as the solo career of Paul McCartney (which was already by then of course, at full-steam ahead). A limited, hand-numbered edition of 400 copies, remastered from an original master tape.
Samples - WE ALL TOGETHER - We all together - Bandcamp
(1967/1971) - Repsychled Records
CD - mini-lp
Los Mad's were a Peruvian sixties Psychedelic Rock and Latin Rock outfit, which was formed in the capital city of Lima, back in 1965. They started off their career by playing cover versions and some of their own material on Peruvian TV shows. This CD collects recordings from the three different phases that the group went through during their six-year existence, when they were known as Los Mad's, The Mads and Molesto.
Samples - LOS MAD'S - Molesto - Bandcamp
(1992) - Fonocal
CD - super jewel box
Owner of an overwhelming personality and incredibly virtuous guitar-playing, which positioned him as one of the most recognized talented Blues-men from around the world, the great, late Norberto "Pappo" Napolitano has left us with this unreleased live in-concert performance, which is previous to the release of Pappo’s Blues - Blues local.
Samples - PAPPO - Blues en el sur de la ciudad - YouTube
(2013) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
In this, their third studio album production, the band manages to procure its very own musical language, by combining Math Rock, Progressive Rock and Post Rock, together with their Instrumental trademark sound, thus obtaining very interesting, rewarding and different shades and tints of composition variety.
Samples - DEFÓRMICA - Defórmica - Bandcamp
(2013) - Ciclo 3
CD - digi-pack
Accompanied by many other Argentine musicians, Lito Vitale plays original music for a Contemporary Ballet, based on an idea by Cristina Castro. Basically, this performance is a type of Fusion-Tango concoction, and makes Tango its principle thematic axis. Tango, as most everybody knows of course, is a musical genre which originated in Argentina, and also vastly helps to establish our country's identity around the world.
Samples - LITO VITALE - Federal Tango - YouTube
(2013) - VIAJERO INMÓVIL Records
This Instrumental quartet was formed back in 1979 in the city of Rosario (province of Santa Fé, Argentina). After a brief lapse during their first incarnation in the eighties, the band got back together again in the year 2000, and finally unveiled their very first album in 2004. The group sticks out especially because of their twin lead guitars, which provide a melodic type of sound consisting of sophisticated, Jazz-orientated cadences within a sonic structure that is primordially centered in Progressive Hard Rock, and with evident influences by the likes of such referential luminaries as Rush, Yes, Led Zeppelin, Jeff Beck, and Crucis.
Samples - DÁNAE - Medusa - Bandcamp
(2013) - Mylodon Records
Tercer disco del proyecto del tecladista Claudio Momberg (Caamora, Subterra, Seti). En un principio se concibió como una serie de piezas de música erudita, pero pronto se convirtió en un híbrido entre la Música Clásica y el Rock Progresivo.
Samples - TAURUS - Opus III - Research - YouTube
(2010) - I.P.
This here is the second album recorded by the Modern Jazz Instrumental sextet. This outfit is permanently seeking and experimenting with new sounds through the incorporation of original pieces, irregular metrics, collective solos, as well as the constant pursuit and quest for different chimes and harmonies.
Samples - ONMO6 - No le pidas peras al onmo - Soundcloud
(2005) - Mylodon Records
In this fifth studio recording delivery, the boys really bring out their best in academic achievements, introducing us to an album of acoustic orientation based on guitars, cello and percussion. A mixture of native musical roots from their country, with the more up-market Sonics of the Classical realm.
Samples - TRYO - Viajes - YouTube
(1997) - Mylodon Records
Second album recorded live with powerful reminiscences of King Crimson. The second half of it includes atmospheric melodies performed with acoustic guitar, cello and percussion.
Samples - TRYO - Crudo - YouTube
(2005) - Aquatalan Records
CD - digi-pack
Originating from the Stoner Rock movement (which relates them to Los Natas), this Instrumental quartet has released its first Conceptual album which features a somewhat more Progressive than Psychedelic tendency; specially noticeable in the way the two guitars effortlessly intermingle with each other, while creating dark and sinister moods, and dense atmospheres.
Samples - POSEIDÓTICA - Intramundo - Bandcamp
(1981) - VIAJERO INMÓVIL Records
During the mid-seventies, many Progressive / Symphonic bands started to appear in several Argentine provinces; some of them linked to an independent musical movement led by the legendary MIA. In the province of Mendoza, the iconic representative of the local pack was Altablanca, a group which enjoyed a trajectory of almost eight years amidst different line-ups. This great sonic rescue offered here proves beyond the shadow of any doubt just how talented these lads were, besides their very high musical quality, and shows the symbiosis they shared with the likes of MIA, Redd, Irreal, and Trigémino.
Samples - ALTABLANCA - En vivo Mendoza '81 - Bandcamp
(2013) - I.P.
CD - digi-tray (special pack)
In this their second album, Sein presents a series of songs which are certainly reminiscent of late-seventies period Genesis and Kayak. The excellent artwork presentation features a glossy, three-dimensional, pyramid-shaped digi-tray.
Special Price !!!
Samples - SEIN - Tesis - Soundcloud
(2013) - I.P.
CD - papersleeve
In this their second album, Sein presents a series of songs which are certainly reminiscent of late-seventies period Genesis and Kayak.
Special Price !!!
Samplers - SEIN - Tesis - Soundcloud
(1974) - Fonocal
Ave Rock was one of the very first so-called Progressive Rock bands to emerge in Argentina during the early seventies. Their sound was full of rhythm changes, and boasted compositions abundant in vast melodic richness. The virtuosity displayed by the group's members was also of extremely high caliber.
Samples - AVE ROCK - Ave Rock - YouTube
(2013) - VIAJERO INMÓVIL Records
CD - digi-pack
In this brand new sonic venture, Darío Iscaro intensifies the changes in Antihéroe's music, by creating a mysterious, intricate album, full of dissonances, and well within its own Fusion and Experimental Universe. Amidst atypical line-ups and unipersonal themes, Darío seeks to explore his instrument to the absolute fullest.
Samples - DARÍO ÍSCARO // ANTIHÉROE PROJECT - Ánima fugitiva - Bandcamp
(2012) - Elefantes en la habitación!
CD - digi-tray (special pack)
In this, the outfit's second record, the band's songs depart somewhat from their Folk influences, by moving towards more of Luis Alberto Spinetta's world, while at the same time keeping their very own trademark and varied sound in the process.
Samples - CHAU COCO! - Dispersión - Bandcamp
(2008) - Elefantes en la habitación!
CD - digi-pack
This group combines, right off the bat from its acoustic sound, Jazz, Rock, Folk and Chamber Music references, in order to include them into their repertoire via innovative manners, and featuring sophisticated work in the arrangements' field, as well as in the shades, tints, nuances, overtones, & colour variations' department.
Samples - CHAU COCO! - Chau Coco! - Bandcamp
(2013) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
(the tales) Human form part of this amazing saga by boasting compositions similar to the ones that this group had on their debut album, albeit a little closer to Metal.
Samples - FUGHU - (the tales) Human - YouTube
(2013) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
Human (the facts) is a Symphonic Hard Progressive concept effort which features theatre-like characteristics, where the vocal parts stand-out for their extraordinary lyricism. This CD includes special guest musicians, such as Damián Wilson and Darío Schmunck.
Samples - FUGHU - Human (the facts) - YouTube
(2013) - Pai Records
CD - digi-pack
This is the third recorded delivery by the group that denominates its particular musical brand as Argentine "Yazz". They utilise resources which are proper to Jazz in their sonic approach, and Argentine rhythms (whether Folk or Urban) in their compositional labours. This mostly Instrumental album also includes at its end a whole section of Argentine Rock standards, as well as some vocal tracks.
Samples - EL CUATRIYO - Unitarios y Federales - YouTube
(1997) - VIAJERO INMÓVIL Records
Second album by this great Symphonic Rock band, who are back after many years of silence with a contemporary-sounding style and continuing where they last left off with their renowned and moving social protest form of poetry. This new remastered edition includes 5 bonus tracks recorded live in-concert March, 1998.
Samples - PABLO EL ENTERRADOR - 2 + bonus tracks - Bandcamp
(2013) - HTT / Lizard Records
In this Suite Italiana, Aldo displays all of his musical influences through Instrumental themes and songs, featuring a wide range of instruments and different musical genres, while also treading into acoustic & electric passages.
Samples - ALDO PINELLI - Suite Italiana - Bandcamp
(2006) - Sony Music
2 CDs
Double album compiling the absolute best of these legendary Argentine Beat band.
MP3 Samplers - LOS GATOS - Obras cumbres - YouTube
(2012) - Ultrapop
2 DVDs + CD - digi-pack
In this special 2 DVDs + CD presentation, Panza covers their entire discography during a show recorded and filmed at the Unisono studios. By collectively improvising and re-arranging each song in a spontaneous form, the boys demonstrate how the group has muted its music towards a more complex style.
Video Samples - PANZA - Big bang - YouTube
(1969) - Sony Music
CD - digi-pack
Classic album which impulsed the Argentine Rock movement. Essential for Rock in Spanish collectors.
Samples - ALMENDRA - Almendra - YouTube
(1983) - Fonocal
After more than ten years of not playing together (they were censored during the Argentine military dictatorship years), they returned and performed a series of concerts back in 1982. One whole year on from their successful comeback tour, they released this live-in-concert album, which featured their most popular songs.
Samples - PEDRO Y PABLO - En concierto - YouTube
(1974) - Repsychled Records
CD - mini-lp
Second album from Peruvian band Telegraph Avenue, post Tarkus. Last rock album on 70´s decade recorded in Peru. Remaster sound from original tapes, includes bonus track. Psychedelic Rock with Folk touches in few songs.
Samples - TELEGRAPH AVENUE - Vol. II - Bandcamp
(2012) - Azafrán Media Records
CD - digi-pack
In this second album, Symphonic touches and a great Instrumental development prevail, which combines various 70's influences, albeit especially focused on the Italian scene from that era.
MP3 Samplers - KHARMINA BURANNA - Soundcloud
(1969) - Sony Music
Classic album from 1969, roots of Argentinean prog. Jewel case format, including the first album + singles.
Samples - ALMENDRA - Almendra - El 1er album + los simples - YouTube
(2012) - I.P.
CD - metal tin box
Keyboards player with Manuscritos (group led by Machy Madco), whom together with his bandmates recorded this first album with all his own compositions, within the Instrumental Symphonic Rock genre, and in which delicate melodies prevail over pomposity.
Samples - ANDREA GONZÁLEZ - Shopping - Spotify
(2013) - VIAJERO INMÓVIL Records
In this, Jinetes Negros' fourth studio-recorded album, the lads develop a great variety of ethnic influences in each one of the compositions featured on it, albeit always keeping their repertoire within the framework of Progressive Rock & Epic Symphonic, with occasional touches of a more Hard Rock type of sound. The string arrangements, as well as the brilliant lead vocals and choruses are the record's greatest highlights.
Samples - JINETES NEGROS - Tawa Sarira - Bandcamp
(2010) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
This is a highly uncommon string quartet (2 cellos + 2 violins), which strives to search for the diverse sonorities offered by these instruments, and occasionally adding guest musicians. Original, timeless, Popular and Contemporary Chamber Music. This project preceded Karenautas.
Samples - VISERA CRASH - Babé - Bandcamp
(2012) - Beto Vazquez Music
2 CDs
Limited double CD edition that comes with an additional bonus disc which is actually a moving tribute to classic bands such as Iron Maiden, Pink Floyd, Whitesnake, Dream Theater, Led Zeppelin, amongst many other groups.
Samples - BETO VAZQUEZ INFINITY - Soundcloud
(2012) - Beto Vazquez Music
Maintaining a certain continuity in their goal to establish different variants of Progressive Metal, this fifth album features numerous operatic voices, as well as many guest musicians, which he's accustomed us to by now. Great ending suite!
Samples - BETO VAZQUEZ INFINITY - Soundcloud
(2012) - HTT
The launch of Aldo's fourth record marks a huge difference with his previous three albums. Consisting of darker themes and more intricate compositions, Pinelli explores other sounds within his melodic structures.
Samples - ALDO PINELLI - Temporada de lluvias - Bandcamp
(2012) - I.P.
CD - digi-tray
Promising debut album by this young quintet which combines Jazz, Rock, Funk, Progressive Rock, and some Blues compositions, in which the flute marks the distinctive touch. During some moments we can trace certain affinity with Tanger.
Samples - MANTIS - Mantis - Bandcamp
(1981) - Fonocal
Third and last record by the band. A light album, fast, with attractive melodies and songs. More Rock and not so Heavy anymore as their previous recordings.
Samples - PLUS - Escuela de Rock’n’roll - YouTube
(2012) - I.P.
Karenautas is an ensemble which consists of strings, drums, voice, and clarinet, composed of fourteen musicians who perform original arrangements and compositions. This they do by going through the sonorities of Contemporary, Popular and Chamber Music, albeit taken to a sonic language they can call their own.
Samples - KARENAUTAS - Recreo - Bandcamp
(2012) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
Consolidated as a Psychedelic Heavy Progressive quartet, Galápagos displays all their many facets and influences in this fourth album, which very eloquently evidences the tremendous musical maturity that has been reached by the band.
Samples - GALÁPAGOS - Supernova - Bandcamp
(2012) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
After the 'home-made' recording of an EP and their first album, Ambar has finally managed to officially release their second effort. The group presents a Retro style within the realms of Hard Psychedelic / Hard Blues / Progressive Rock, with obvious influences of Pescado Rabioso and Invisible.
Samples - AMBAR - El viajero de las olas - Bandcamp
(2011) - Aqualung Records Ltd.
CD - mini-lp
This quartet, which originally hails from Recife (Brazil), will take you on a lysergic trip full of Psychedelic Acid sounds and rhythms from the 60s and the 70s. These astral tracks include Space elements of Kraut Rock and passages of Heavy Rock.
Samples - ANJO GABRIEL - O culto secreto do Anjo Gabriel - Bandcamp
(2012) - Azione Artigianale
CD - digi-pack
In this, his second solo album, Franco Salvador resorts to the Hard Rock / Hard Blues / Folk Rock Song side of Pez, with a raw and potent sound within a Power Trio format.
Samples - FRANCO SALVADOR - La cruda realidad - Bandcamp
(1996) - Twilight Records
CD - digi-pack
After a long waiting, finally “Concerto N. 6, a Baroque plaisanterie” CD was re-pressed in a beautiful digi-pack edition with digitally mastered sound and an exclusive bonus track recorded in 2009. It contains 9 songs taken from the original album + “Orlando, a female” an Ataraxia’s version of Franz Schubert’s Ave Maria.
Samples - ATARAXIA - Concerto Nº 6: A Baroque Plaisanterie - YouTube
(2012) - Musea Parallel Label
Despite the changes in its lineup, the group maintains its powerful style of combining Metallic Hard Prog (in the Dream Theater vein), Symphonic Rock (E.L.& P., Yes) and touches of Fusion Prog (Planet X), with a current sound that is sonically close to the works by Jaime Rosas. El visionario is the band's second studio effort and their third release thus far.
Samples - HEXATÓNICA - El visionario - YouTube
(2012) - VIAJERO INMÓVIL Records
CD - digi-pack
The musical growth experienced by Autumn Moonlight on this, their second album, is really impressive. The very detailed and elaborate work on the arrangements, and the combination of different sonorities, enrich the duet's compositions by mixing Post Rock together with Progressive and Symphonic Rock, while going through melancholic climaxes, furious guitar explosions, and orchestral keyboard arrangements during the whole process.
Samples - AUTUMN MOONLIGHT - Alter reality - Bandcamp
(1981) - Editio Princeps
Vôo livre was a power-trio from Rio Grande do Sul formed at the late 70’s, which surprised the local scene with their Hard Rock, mixing influences from Prog Rock to Fusion, from bands like Deep Purple, King Crimson, Genesis, Billy Cobham and Rush. The CD presents their only album, recorded in 1981, plus three bonus, two cuts from an aborted follow-up work, from 1985 and an additional unreleased track from the same year.
Samples - VÔO LIVRE - Vôo livre - YouTube
(2012) - Editio Princeps
Band from Brasilia formed in 2001, which, on this debut work, composed and recorded between 2001 & 2007, showcase a well-balanced fusion of Progressive and Hard Rock, influenced by Brazilian (Mutantes, O terço) and English (EL&P, Uriah Heep, Deep Purple, Gentle Giant) groups, and mixing with great mastery, complex, creative and bold arrangements with the vintage sound of the musical instruments of the 70’s.
Samples - PARAFERNÁLIA - Parafernália - Soundcloud
(2012) - Fonocal
Yodi Godoy was an initial member of Vox Dei, when he participated in the recording sessions of "La Biblia" back in 1970. Over four decades later, he has re-recorded this classic cornerstone of Argentine Rock, with his own personal vision and spin. This new version includes two movements which were absent from the original album, as they were never recorded to begin with back then. With Floydian atmospherics galore and Church Choirs, this interpretation is quite a remarkable and creative departure from the first one.
Samples - YODI GODOY - La Biblia según Vox Dei - YouTube
(2012) - Voiceprint
This is the eighth album by the Brazilian band, which is a direct continuum from their previous recording. Featuring ten new compositions that combine Psychedelic Rock and Progressive Rock, this CD will certainly be to the liking of the many fans of both genres.
Samples - VIOLETA DE OUTONO - Espectro - Bandcamp
(2012) - Quaterna Records
After many years of waiting, this Concept album is finally released, to the utter happiness and expectation of a whole constellation of fans!! Quaterna Requiem's third studio effort is a shear delight, and manages to retain all the freshness of their predecessing albums. This is Symphonic Rock at its best, of the highest calibre and quality!! This work consists of a Suite in Five parts (or movements), which were inspired by the styles of five different countries and eras: Italy - Renaissance / France - Baroque/Classicism / United States of America - Modernism / Spain - Romanticism / Brazil - Modern Contemporary.
Samples - QUATERNA RÉQUIEM - O arquiteto - YouTube
(2005) - Voiceprint
This is without the shadow of a doubt, one of the best and most essential Brazilian Psychedelic-Progressive bands of the last twenty years. "Ilhas" was recorded during 2002-2004, and evidenced a transitional moment in the group's career. The trend at the time was that of a far more Progressive inclination than on any of their previous and future recordings.
Samples - VIOLETA DE OUTONO - Ilhas - Bandcamp
(2004) - Editio Princeps
2 CDs
This double live CD documents their latest concerts recorded before and after a five month European tour, with material from their three previous studio albums plus a number of new compositions. Last copies.
Samples - AKINETON RETARD - Akineton ao vivo - YouTube
(1970) - Sony/BMG
CD - digi-pack
First album by this unique, original and mythical threesome. Microfón cover.
Samples - MANAL - Manal II - YouTube
(2012) - Gray Records
William Gray continues to astound us all through his musical evolution. This, his spectacular second album, boasts all the essential condiments for current Progressive Rock: stylistically wide-ranging, and high quality in the string and vocal arrangements.
Samples - WILLIAM GRAY - Silentio - Bandcamp
(2012) - I.P.
Les Minot is a project led by Federico Ruhl, bass guitarist and composer with this Fusion Jazz band. They have very cleverly and successfully injected elements of Traditional Argentine Folk into their music, in order to create different shades, tinges, nuances, overtones, and variations of pleasant climaxes and delicate melodies.
Samples - LES MINOTS - Pequeños ciclos - Bandcamp
(1997) - HTT / Lizard Records
This is an official re-mastered re-release of the first album recorded by these Argentine lads, which includes songs dating back from periods prior to these sessions, albeit with brand new arrangements, a Neo Symphonic themed-sound, and Classical, Medieval and Celtic Musical touches. The CD includes several Bonus Tracks, amongst which we highly recommend the remarkable version they made of Banco's "Non me rompete", which features lyrics sung in Spanish.
Samples - HÁBITAT - Historias olvidadas - remix - Bandcamp
(2012) - Aquatalan Records / Sadness Discos
This is already the third studio-recorded effort by this incredibly original Argentine outfit, in which they manage to consolidate their peculiar, yet very effective style of combining Kraut Rock, American Psychedelia, and Spaghetti Western-ambiented atmospherics.
Samples - EL FESTIVAL DE LOS VIAJES - La reserva de los lieros - Bandcamp
(2012) - Mylodon Records
Originally hailing from the Pacific coastal city of Valparaiso, Chile, this is a Power Progressive Instrumental Trio. The chaps have a decidedly marked inclination towards Jazz Rock Fusion, which includes plenty of Latin American rhythmic influences, as well as even affording Rock riffs through impecabbly-sounding clean guitars, which in actual fact are the group's principle characteristic.
Samples - COTA ZERO - Volver a cero - Soundcloud
(2011) - I.P.
This live in concert performance was recorded on August 7, 2011 at the "Festival ProgreRock 2011" in Rosario, province of Santa Fe, Argentina. With a radical change in their repertoire in comparison to their previous live effort, the outfit still managed to amaze with their undenaible talents.
(2011) - Mylodon Records
CD - digi-pack
New and long waited album from Entrance's keyboardist. Bombastic Symphonic Prog with 14 special guests musicians.
Samples - JAIME ROSAS - Flashback - Bandcamp
(2005) - Mylodon Records
New Chilean Instrumental project led by guitarist Richard Pilnik (Entrance). The combo's concoction is orientated towards combining Symphonic elements, Fusion and Prog Metal, thus making the group's sound not too far off from that of bands such as Planet X. There is a very strong presence of guitars (a la Allan Holdsworth and Steve Vai) and absorbing keyboards.
Samples - AUSTRALIS - Terra Australis - MySpace
(2004) - Mylodon Records
This Chilean Prog Rock band has as its prime objective to search for new forms of expression and sound, by merging Jazz, Rock, Metal and Folk. The result carries the listener through different sensations, eclectic harmonies and obscure passages.
Samples - ANGULART - Donde renacen las horas - YouTube
(1984) - Mucha Madera Producciones
Carlos Kuraiem is a poet, writer and musician who sang during the last Argentine dictatorship (between 1976 & 1983) in several different theatres around the city of Buenos Aires. The album's mostly Folk Rock tunes, which have an obvious Protest feel and orientation in the lyric department, were recorded by utilising a portable studio back in 1984.
Samples - KURAIEM - Folk Fusión Lírica - YouTube
(2012) - Caracol rojo
CD - digi-pack
For this, their second album, the band is reduced to a threesome, albeit maintaining the same initial sonic intentions, though polishing and improving its sound by adding many special and stellar guest musicians for the CD's recording.
Samples - AVE TIERRA - Elefantes negros - Bandcamp
(2002) - Rock Symphony
Second offering by this outfit created by Analu Paredes and Arthur Nogueira which reaffirms their melodious style of singing in English and Portuguese, combining female and male vocals alike. Celebrities from the Brazilian scene make guesting performances on this album: Egberto Gismonti, Hermeto Pascoal, Marcus Viana and many others.
Samples - PROJETO CALEIDOSCÓPIO - Carrossel - MySpace
(2011) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
What we have here is the very first project by this group, which compiles and promotes music written by composers enrolled within the vast stylistic frontiers of Argentine Jazz. The outfit works on a basic formation, and then rotates the keyboards player, as well as the singer. Musicians of the undeniable calibre and quality of Diego Schissi, Juan Raffo, and Nicolás Sorín, amongst others, participate in this extraordinary and authentically originally unique project.
Samples - ENSAMBLE REALBOOKARGENTINA - Ensamble RealBookArgentina - YouTube
(2010) - Linea lateral
CD - digi-pack
Camalotes is an Instrumental Fusion Power Trio which presents a solid Jazz structure, combined with welcomed elements of Argentine Folk in terms of its harmonic, melodic and rhythmic influences and musical directions. This album is a distinctive body of work, that beautifully flows in sensitive and qualitative ways.
Samples - CAMALOTES - Cinématique - Soundcloud
(2012) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
First recorded outing by this Prog / Symphonic quartet, which presents all of its vocal parts sung in Spanish. Their music goes through passages which are reminiscent of the sonic grandeur from Argentine Rock's glorious seventies' period, and show remarkable influences by the likes of Luis Alberto Spinetta, Charly Garcia, and many others.
Samples - VADE RETRO - Floreciendo en Heliópolis - Bandcamp
(2011) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
Contacto is a band of musicians that transits cleverly and creatively between songs of a Progressive Rock orientation (albeit with a definite Hard Rock tint) and Post Rock. The group has obviously been heavily influenced by the likes of Radiohead, and has also several common denominators with the band Fraktal.
Samples - CONTACTO - Prehistoria y futuro - Bandcamp
(2012) - Bola Loma Records
For this, the band's fourth studio effort, the group transformed into a foursome with the incorporation of a lead singer, who sings in Spanish throughout the entire album. A work of admirable maturity, which further consolidates their trademark style, besides incorporating a more Contemporary-sounding present sonic format.
Samples - 2112 - El maravilloso circo de los hermanos Lombardi - Bandcamp
(2005) - Ciclo 3
This DVD (ntsc) casts us back to the excellent live concert Lito and his boys performed on April 19, 2005, at the Canal de la Musica TV station's studios in Buenos Aires. The package also includes a CD featuring the soundtrack to the movie "Elsa & Fred".
Video Samples - LITO VITALE QUINTETO - Vivo en Argentina - YouTube
(1986) - Fonocal
In 1986, Vox Dei re-united and decided to register a new, live-in-concert rendition of their massively renowned and legendary album, "La Biblia." They were joined on stage for this grand occasion by Luis Valenti (El Reloj) on keyboards. Recorded during November 28, 29 & 30 at the Opera Theatre in downtown Buenos Aires, this album was originally released on vinyl long-play format back in 1987. The last movement of La Bibila, Apocalapsis, is included in its entirety.
Samples - VOX DEI - La Biblia según Vox Dei - Napster
(1981) - Sony Music
CD - digi-pack
Melodic Prog following the Sui Generis style, with flute based tracks.
Samples - NITO MESTRE - 20/10 - YouTube
(2012) - I.P.
Setting temporarily aside their Symphonic influences, La Finca de Laurento decided to embark on a new musical adventure on this, the lads' second record. They headed towards a combination of Prog Rock and Prog Fusion, and accomplished a very personal, mature sounding end product, as well as manging to remaining current along the process.
Samples - LA FINCA DE LAURENTO - Fuerza - Bandcamp
(2012) - Fonocal
This CD represents the fifth studio album by this highly regarded and reputable Progressive and Symphonic Rock ensemble, which counts among its members the very talented and sought-after bass guitarist Machy Madco. This new work quite definitely boasts more of a melodic tendency and imagery than all their previous recordings, albeit without losing track of their characteristic potencies.
Samples - NEXUS - Aire - YouTube
(2011) - Magosha Records
CD - digi-pack
His third album introduces us to certain changes and a welcome maturity process in his compositions, while taking a defintive departure away from his earliest influences. This time around he treats us to a more Progressive and complex kind of song structure, with sporadic and brilliant touches of Fusion.
Samples - GINKGOBILOBA - Las reglas del juego - Bandcamp
(2010) - Edén s.r.l.
Instrumental Jazz Rock and Fusion trio. They very successfully combine and master Progressive Rock, Jazz, Funk, a certain Groove touch as well, and delicate, subtle strokes of Latin and varied Ethnic influences, into a much more than interesting and passing fancy.
Samples - RANJHUS - Ranjhus - YouTube
(1990) - Bola Loma Records
Very first recorded output from this threesome, which offers a heavily dented reference to the Progressive Hard Rock trademark of Canadian power trio Rush. All songs sung in Spanish.
Samples - 2112 - Alterando las divisiones - YouTube
(2007) - P.A.I. Records
CD - mini-lp
This is the sole album released by this threesome which consists of Mariano Bertolini (pocket trumpet), Lucio Balduini (guitar), and Augusto Urbini (drums). Their style could be somewhat described as an Improvisational experience lying somewhere in between Jazz and Free Rock.
Samples - LOS INI - Matespacial - YouTube
(2012) - VIAJERO INMÓVIL Records
Furious debut by this five-piece group (guitar, bass, drums, and two saxophones), which experiments in musical terms by combining Avant Prog's expressivity, Free Rock's liberty of soaring creative movement, and Doom Rock's potency. The band's members are: Augusto Urbini (Panza), Franco Fontanarrosa (La mujer barbuda), Pablo Puntoriero (formerly with Pez), Mu Sanchez, and Ada Rave.
Samples - RESISTENCIA CHACO - Una puerta roja en algún lugar de la República Checa - Bandcamp
(2011) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
This here is the trio's second output of recordings, through which they continue down the very same path of searching for their ultimate sound amidst a great variety of instruments, principally percussive ones, as already eloquently explored and exposed on the group's first studio outing. There are also other melodious instruments utilized in these grooves, though the Hard sound of the band's guitarrist clearly sets the lads' musical course.
Samples - PULSÓNICA - Tribaloide - Bandcamp
(2008) - I.P.
This musical project combines traditional Afro-Latin rhythms with different sub-categories stemming from the Progressive Rock movement, for example Hard Prog; albeit always departing from an eminently percussive musical landscape based on the use of polyrhythms, odd metrics, unisons, and percussion solos.
Samples - PULSÓNICA - Movimiento perpetuo - Bandcamp
(2007) - BAU Records
La Compañía Oblicua was formed by its director, Marcelo Delgado, by summoning a group of thoroughly promising young and talented musicians who already had an ample career experience and trajectory in the realm of Contemporary Music. The group's complex repertoire relies very heavily on current Argentine and Latin American composers.
Samples - COMPAÑÍA OBLICUA - Latitud sur - MySpace
(1999) - Fonocal
Former Sui Generis, Polifemo, Color Humano, and Alphonso S'Entrega bass guitarist, formed a Power Trio with Ariel Rodriguez on guitars and Claudio Salas on drums, seeking to rekindle the genuine sound of golden age Rhythm & Blues, Rock and Blues.
Samples - RINALDO RAFANELLI & LA RIMANBLÚ - Souvenir de un mundo bizarro - YouTube
(1976) - Fonocal
What we have here is the very first record by one of the most representative stalwarts of Argentine Hard Rock. With obvious influences from Led Zeppelin's Hard Blues musical direction, the band play a very typical South American-sounding kind of immediately recognizable style.
Samples - PLUS - No pisar el infinito - YouTube
(1970) - Melopea
New re-release of one of his first albums. Early Prog late sixties style featuring organ and flute.
Samples - LITTO NEBBIA - Nebbia's band - YouTube
(2011) - Oui Oui Records
CD - digi-pack
The outfit continues down the same musical identity and esthetics as their previous album, on this, their new studio effort, which is the lads' fourth album, and one that features a stronger leniency towards Psychedelic Hard Rock than any of their preceding recordings. During certain moments, Fútbol reminds us of Miguel Abuelo et Nada, as well as influences by Jorge Pinchevsky.
Samples - FUTBOL - La gallina - Bamdcamp
(2011) - Edén s.r.l.
Formed by Gustavo Lorenzatti (double bass), Fernando Caballero (drums), and Darío Iscaro (guitar), this Fusion threesome combines Progressive Rock together with Jazz, and certain flashes of Psychedelia, as well as incorporating elements of South American sound passages into their already rich and varied repertoire.
Samples - TRÍO DESATANUDOS - El rey de las palabras - Bandcamp
(2011) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
As her career moves positively forward, in direct proportion to her musical growth, Florencia increases the musical arrangements and quantity of session players per each of her latest recordings. Her 6th album showcases the level of maturity accomplished by her songwriting craft: beautiful and delicate melodies which only exist in her very own musical world.
Samples - FLORENCIA RUIZ - Luz de la noche - Deezer
(2005) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
In her third album, Florencia continues down the same trend of intimate kind of songwriting, although she now begins to incorporate more musicians in order to enrich her compositions. Not only that, she also starts to prioritize her songs' arrangements, by adding Chamber Music type of instruments to the recordings.
Samples - FLORENCIA RUIZ - Soundcloud
(2003) - I.P.
Dedicated to the composition of more intimate-leaning type of songs, even almost minimalist, this her second album reflects Florencia's very personal style, through a collection of somewhat dark and moody tracks within the Experimental field of songwriting.
Samples - FLORENCIA RUIZ - Soundcloud
(2011) - Oui Oui Records
Ararat's second album manages to keep the heavy density of their guitars, so typical of the Stoner Rock sound of Los Natas, while also becoming totally immersed into an atmosphere of Psychedelic Ambience, complete with imaginary smoke and all, electric guitar passages, and a piano that permanently keeps the appropriate climaxes going.
Samples - ARARAT - II - You tube
(2011) - Ciclo 3
CD - digi-pack
One of the most expressive facets of the Argentine seminal and mythical group from the seventies, MIA, was their vocal and chorus arrangements. This new recording re-unites Liliana Vitale and Veronica Condomi, as they combine their voices together again on several improvisational passages, as well as performing songs of an Argentine Folk inclination. On most of the album's tracks, they sing acapella, without any instrumental accompaniment whatsoever.
Samples - LILIANA VITALE - VERÓNICA CONDOMÍ - Humanas - voces - YouTube
(2011) - P.A.I. Records
CD - digi-pack
We present El Cuatriyo's second album, which sees the band continuing along its familiar trend to developing Instrumental Music within the River Plate region's own recipe of Fusion. They also manage to add some amazing string arrangements, as well as horns, to some of the album's cuts, which definitely add extra grit to their sonic texting.
Samples - EL CUATRIYO - Texturas del verde - YouTube
(2001) - Twilight Records
CD - digi-pack
The fifth release from the band, exploring deeper themes of alchemy. Each composition focuses on the elements of nature with an affectionate melancholy interwoven throughout. A predominantly Neo-Folk album.
Samples - THE SOIL BLEEDS BLACK - Quintessence - Napster