(2017) - I.P.
CD - special pack
This third volume is the formal conclusion of their excellent trilogy; a new production that shows them entrenched in Valvular Rock and Psychedelic Blues adventures. In this opportunity, the band adapts much more to the song format, and although the atmospheric style is kept afloat, there is a greater desire to privilege the word over the Instrumental.
Samples - GÜACHO - Volumen III - (La persistencia de la memoria) - Bandcamp
(2001) - HTT
Neo Progressive Group which introduces its second album with symphonic atmospheres and melodic songs sung in Spanish, with certain influences of Genesis and medieval, celtic and ethnic music.
Samples - HÁBITAT - Baúl repleto de sugerencias - Bandcamp
(2006) - HTT
CD - papersleeve
Third studio production recorded by the outfit led by Aldo Pinelli, which continues along the trend set by their first two efforts. The album's tracks come close to the current sounds of the likes of Espiritu and Madame Claus. The CD includes songs written during the very first phase of the lads' career (1978-1987).
Samples - HÁBITAT - Puente - Bandcamp
(1997) - HTT / Lizard Records
This is an official re-mastered re-release of the first album recorded by these Argentine lads, which includes songs dating back from periods prior to these sessions, albeit with brand new arrangements, a Neo Symphonic themed-sound, and Classical, Medieval and Celtic Musical touches. The CD includes several Bonus Tracks, amongst which we highly recommend the remarkable version they made of Banco's "Non me rompete", which features lyrics sung in Spanish.
Samples - HÁBITAT - Historias olvidadas - remix - Bandcamp
(2010) - HTT / Lizard Records
CD - mini-lp
Habitat arrives at its fourth album full of maturity, consolidating their music through their now customary influences, which many compare to the Italian Progressive sounds of Le Orme. It is precisely a Spanish version of a composition by this band, “Gioco di bimba”, which features as one of the album's main highlights.
Samples - HÁBITAT - Tratando de respirar en la furia - Bandcamp
(2014) - Lizard Records
Right from the dark, eerie and very suggestive album's cover artwork, we can perceive changes in the band's pathway. The group's fifth studio effort attempts a brand new search within its own parameters, and the songs musically re-create the stories that we are told about in their lyrics.
Samples - HÁBITAT - Utensilios y artilugios - Bandcamp
(2021) - HTT / Lizard Records
With great admiration towards Italian Progressive Rock, this Argentine group has remade great classics from this scene, sung in Spanish. You will be able to listen to songs by Premiata Forneria Marconi, Le Orme, Banco del Mutuo Soccorso, Celeste, and Fiaba, as well as a bonus track written by themselves, paying homage to this important musical movement.
Samples - HÁBITAT - Hans, la niña y el príncipe - Bandcamp
(2009) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
This quartet self-defines its style as that of Experimental Rock. However, they are much more than that: basically a completely eclectic combo, which is virtually impossible to classify. Based on a conceptual narration, their unpredictable music mixes Rock In Opposition, Death Metal, Progressive Rock, Jazz, Tango, and Music For Films.
Samples - HELMUT RÓBOT - Desde Bären hasta Olvidus Muscus - Bandcamp
(2011) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
This Acoustic Tango Rock ensemble manages to keep a Classical Melodic and Vocal structure, as well as adding complex arrangements and a Progressive attitude, very much in line with Astor Piazzolla and Rodolfo Mederos. Led by the young Nicolás Tognola playing bandoneón, we could accurately state that this was the embryonic link of Pampa Trash.
Samples - HOJARASCO - No edificarás en mi nombre - Bandcamp
(2008) - Azione Artigianale
Second album by this mostly Instrumental Argentine quintet. Their recipe is a little infrequent in such latitudes, as they combine the Canterbury sound (Matching Mole) with R.I.O. (Henry Cow) and Kraut Rock. The result is of a very high calibre of quality and creativity.
Samples - HONDURAS - La única posición es la oposición - Bandcamp
(2010) - Azione Artigianale
Here is the outfit's fourth studio album, which for this occasion presents a seven-member formation, plus guests. Though they maintain their initial influences, their search now focuses on more experimental sounds, by incorporating Noise to their improvisational style.
Samples - HONDURAS - Célula dormida - Bandcamp
(2014) - I.P.
Now reduced to a threesome which has introduced a programmed rhythm base into their sound, the band faces this new stage of its' path with tracks which possess the very same fullness of tone and ideas as their previous incarnation. At first listen, the trio's music is associated to Robert Wyatt.
Samples - HONDURAS - Cinco - Bandcamp
(2011) - Shinkoyo
LP vinilo
This is a coloured Split LP which features a Noise Improvisation by the prestigious guitarist Cyrus Pireh on Side A, and two compositions combining Cyrus with Honduras in a quartet formation in Ambient Experimentation type of mood on Side B.
Samples - HONDURAS - Cyrus Pireh & Honduras - Bandcamp
(2008) - I.P.
Third outing by this Multi-Instrumentalist musician. What we have here is a concept album, which is stuctured in three aspects and three differenciated styles: Classic Epic Symphonic Rock, moments of Dark, and Progressive Rock in the Mike Oldfield vein of Tubular Bells II.
Samples - HYACINTUS - Sinkronos - Bandcamp
(2014) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
With a quartet-type-of formation which borrows late sixties' Psychedelic Music references, as well as early seventies' Progressive Rock realms, they have however managed to re-adapt their sound to current sonic trends. The repertoire varies between Instrumental compositions and tracks sung in Spanish.
Samples - IN CORP SANCTIS - El magistrado - Bandcamp
(2016) - Scatter Records
CD - digi-pack
With the intention of updating the sounds of Psychedelia and adapting them to a brand new context, the now quintet's second studio outing brings a Space sonority into the picture, as well as a more Alternative-sounding rhythm guitar.
Samples - IN CORP SANCTIS - Libres van - Bandcamp
(2015) - HTT - Lizard Records
This is a new Progressive/Symphonic/Experimental Rock project undertaken by Aldo Pinelli, in which he searches for musical alternatives between his solo career and his years with Hábitat. These compositions are mostly of an Instrumental vein, as well as being varied from a thematic perspective.
Samples - INVERNALIA - Invernalia - Bandcamp
(2022) - HTT / VIAJERO INMÓVIL Records
Once again, Aldo Pinelli returns with his Invernalia project, throughout which he exposes another of his many musical facets. The compositions here take on a different path from his other ventures. His topics and songs are more Progressive than ever before, and even perhaps in some aspects, darker and more dissimilar from each other.
Samples - INVERNALIA - Tenebras - Bandcam
(2009) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
Colombian musician who resides in Argentina, and is linked to the Melodramatic Music movement. His style is very personal, dark, and of strange characteristics. Irving's voice and piano are accompanied by very good string arrangements. A rare combination of David Sylvian meets Leo Masliah.
Samples - IRVING MONK - Bicho - Bandcamp
(2015) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
After the dissolution of Vade Retro, the band's keyboards player and composer, Lucas Bustos, commenced a brand new musical adventure with the same ongoing intentions of playing Progressive Rock, Art Rock, Jazz Fusion, as well as autochthonous rhythms with similar influences to those which inspired two greats: Luis Alberto Spinetta and Charly García.
Samples - ISMO DE LAS FAUCES - Ismo de las fauces - Soundcloud
(2018) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
The boys’ 2nd album incorporates various musical textures in a framework referring to trends in current Progressive Song structures. In this case in particular, the lads emerge with a prism of melancholic songs reflecting movement; a universe where many Fusion influences collide (Rock, Jazz, Bossa Nova, Argentine Folk, Theatrical Anthropology, Cinema, and Literature.)
Samples - ISMO DE LAS FAUCES - Emerger - YouTube
(2024) - I.P.
CDr - papersleeve
Este trío originario de la ciudad de La Plata nació previo a la pandemia con la idea de fusinar el Rock Progresivo con el Jazz con su propia visión, explorando un espacio común que prioriza la improvisación antes que la complejidad de las estructuras.
Samples - JACK ROZZ TRÍO - Despertar - Bandcamp
(2016) - Júbilo Discos
CD - digi-sleeve
Another bunch of chums also from the city of Rosario, formed this quintet that transits somewhere between Progressive Rock and Neo-Psychedelia, adding to their music elements from other genres, such as Stoner Rock, Post Rock, Space Rock, etc. Mostly Instrumental, with some sung passages in English, creating ever-changing atmospheric soundscapes, intense riffs, and oscillating frequencies.
Samples - JELLYHEAD - Jellyhead - Bandcamp
(2016) - I.P.
CD - digi-sleeve
The virtuous former keyboards player with MIA, Spinetta Jade and several other Argentine bands, has put together his brand new Symphonic Jazz Rock Power Trio, which fuses and merges different musical atmospheric landscapes, transiting through Jazz Rock, Symphonic Rock and Funk, shaded by sonic ideas close to pure, Modern Jazz. New original CD edition.
Samples - JUAN DEL BARRIO & 3ELÉCTRICO - Jazz Rock Sinfónico - YouTube
(2017) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
This Orchestral Ensemble consists of fourteen young Musicians, who fuse Latin American Folk, together with elements of Jazz and Rock, as well as excellent vocal arrangements and combinations. Within their own search and interpretation, they take off right from the written music, and with generous spaces designed for Improvisation.
Samples - JUAN IZQUIERDO GRUPO - Juan Izquierdo Grupo - Bandcamp
(2014) - Club del disco
CD + DVD - digi-sleeve
Conceptual work boasting emotional songs and pure fantasy richness of sound, featuring the most refined Folk and Progressive execution attitude heard in a quite a long while. Juanito really took his time to produce this new record, as he recorded it during a period of seven years! The resulting quality is of a very highly elevated magnitude. The DVD features a film full of visual sweetness of the same tone and beauty as presented in the CD.
Video Samples - JUANITO EL CANTOR - El sueño de las ballenas - Vimeo
(2015) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
This outfit is led by Nicolás García Médici and comprised by nine members who perform Academic Music on the basis of Jazz and Contemporary Music, incorporating elements of Argentine Folk. The predominance of wind instruments is the group's principle characteristic, as the diverse horns are intertwined together in a erudite sort of manner, as well as showing off the brightness of each individual instrument in terms of its aesthetic expression.
Samples - KAI D' RAÍZ - Kai D' Raíz - Bandcamp
(2018) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
For this their second disc, they suddenly became an octet, without losing any of the potential generated during the recording of their debut album. They continue to explore Contemporary Jazz with new sounds, that link Urban Music with elements of Progressive Rock, Argentine Folk and Hip Hop, transforming themselves into something similar to a Rock in Opposition eight-some.
Samples - KAI D' RAIZ - Limbo - YouTube
(2015) - P.A.I. Records
This multiple instrumental musician displays a refined elegance and modern touches which perfectly adjust to diverse genres. His eclectic work, which ranges from Fusion to Jazz Rock, also traverses through seventies'-influenced Rock, ethnic elements, and even typical city of Buenos Aires undertones. His music is inevitably identified and associated with Contemporary Urban compositions.
Samples - LEANDRO KALÉN - Mecánica celeste - Bandcamp
(2012) - I.P.
Karenautas is an ensemble which consists of strings, drums, voice, and clarinet, composed of fourteen musicians who perform original arrangements and compositions. This they do by going through the sonorities of Contemporary, Popular and Chamber Music, albeit taken to a sonic language they can call their own.
Samples - KARENAUTAS - Recreo - Bandcamp
(2008) - Discográfica del Sur
This album is a synthesis of choices made by the Paralelo º33 Percussionist / Vibraphonist, who moves with ease within Academic Contemporary Music, Jazz, Collective Improvisation, and, as proven here, in ways that remit to Argentine Folk overtones.
Samples - FABIÁN KEOROGLANIAN - Claroscuro - Bandcamp
(2011) - Sadness Discos
After releasing an EP back in 2007, it is only now that this band launches their very first official album. The group's musicians totally immerse themselves into Post Rock territory, as they successfully experiment with these sonorities by combining them with Neo Psychedelia, as well as with worthy subtle touches of Space Rock.
Samples - KIRLIAN - Bienvenidos a la tierra - Bandcamp
(2017) - Aquatalan Records
CD - digi-pack
This is the second album by this young Heavy Progressive Psychedelic / Hard Blues threesome, originally hailing from the Argentine province of La Pampa, who then musically developed in La Plata (capital city of the province of Buenos Aires) and finally settled in the city of Buenos Aires. They boast a kind of retro sound that strongly reminds us of Argentine Classic Rock bands Color Humano, Pescado Rabioso and Pappo's Blues, as well as very much under the Black Sabbath school-of-sonic-influence.
Samples - KNEI - Juventud de la gran ciudad - Bandcamp
(2011) - I.P.
Continuing along the outfit's well-renowned Melodic Symphonic Rock / Art Rock path, La Barca presents their second recorded effort. Their Spanish lyrics serve as deep and thoughtful reflections on such topics as current environmental and social issues.
Samples - LA BARCA - Eclosión - Bandcamp
(2018) - I.P.
CDr - digi-pack
This, the third album recorded by La Barca represents a conceptually-elaborate piece of work that recounts the darkest years of Argentine History: The arrival of the Military Dictatorship in 1976, the subsequent repression, the Disappeared, the Falklands War, and finally, the return of a full-fledged democratic state, in late 1983.
Samples - LA BARCA - Argentina nunca más - Bandcamp
(2002) - I.P.
First recorded outing by this band from Rosario (Argentina) , which features members of Pablo el enterrador playing a Melodic-Sympho Rock/Art Rock style through simple and pleasant melodies sung in Spanish.
Samples - LA BARCA - La Barca - Bandcamp
(2018) - Chancho Discos
CD - digi-sleeve
Post-Rock / Ambient band originally hailing from Santiago, Chile, whose Instrumental project is characterized by exploring the crossing and comparison of rhythmic patterns, development of atmospheric structures and stories of a dramatic nature.
Samples - LA CIENCIA SIMPLE - III V VII - Bandcamp
(2008) - I.P.
Very noteworthy first album by this young Progressive / Symphonic Rock quintet. They cleverly and creatively weave Classical and Neo Prog influences together, interchanging songs sung in Spanish with flute-led Instrumental passages.
Samples - LA FINCA DE LAURENTO - Ciencia, filosofía y conga - Bandcamp
(2012) - I.P.
Setting temporarily aside their Symphonic influences, La Finca de Laurento decided to embark on a new musical adventure on this, the lads' second record. They headed towards a combination of Prog Rock and Prog Fusion, and accomplished a very personal, mature sounding end product, as well as manging to remaining current along the process.
Samples - LA FINCA DE LAURENTO - Fuerza - Bandcamp
(2000) - I.P.
La Gota is an Argentine quartet from the city of Rosario who have managed to create a very original, powerful and eclectic concoction which effortlessly fuses Rock together with Tango-flavoured melodies.
Samples - LA GOTA - Rocktango - YouTube
(2006) - Blue Art Records
Band hailing from the city of Rosario and led by the very talented guitarist Claudio Zemp (his skills and craft are comparable to Steve Vai's). The outfit also features drummer Marcelo Sali (formerly of Pablo el Enterrador). This brand new offering has a tendency towards Prog Fusion, very much in the vein of groups such as Baalbek.
Samples - LA GOTA - Tractor - YouTube
(2009) - I.P.
What immediately transpires from this CD is the amazing quality and sound the band possess when performing live. These tracks were recorded in the "Galpón 11" during the "2008 Prog Rock Festival", which was held on May 10 in the city of Rosario (province of Santa Fé, Argentina).
Samples - LA GOTA - Galpón 11 - YouTube
(2011) - I.P.
This live in concert performance was recorded on August 7, 2011 at the "Festival ProgreRock 2011" in Rosario, province of Santa Fe, Argentina. With a radical change in their repertoire in comparison to their previous live effort, the outfit still managed to amaze with their undenaible talents.
(2009) - I.P.
This band showed up in a quartet-type of formation when they played at the mythical Sala Lavardén, a very important theatre in the city of Rosario (province of Santa Fé, Argentina). This DVDr includes the video images of the group's memorable and great live-in-concert performance at this venue on August 29th, 2009.
Video samples - LA GOTA - Lavardén - YouTube
(2013) - I.P.
Amidst some personnel changes and the incorporation of a fifth component playing the 'bandoneón' (a Latin American large accordion in the shape of a hand-held keyboard instrument), the band begins a new phase of live-in-concert presentations. This visual material was extracted from the show which was held on December 14, 2013, at the Centro Cultural Roberto Fontanarrosa, in Rosario (Roberto's birth city in the province of Santa Fé, Argentina).
Video Samples - LA GOTA - Maestro - YouTube
(2013) - I.P.
CD - special plastic pack
Under the leadership of "Juanito el cantor", the music of this 12-member musical association unfolds within the format of Folk / Rock songs, based principally on their choral arrangements, with metaphorical and even absurd lyrics which propel this large band into a certain Psychedelic and theatrical character-type of realm.
Samples - LA NUBE MÁGICA - La nube mágica - Bandcamp
(2016) - Sello Cabello
CD - special pack
Based on atmospherics close to rhythmic improvisation and experimentation, and everything within an instrumental context, La Tumba del Alca recreate an ambient associated with Progressive Rock and Hard Psychedelia, as well as spaces for Post Rock sonority. This parallel band to Persona launches its' second album, maintaining this group's very same musical intentions, as well as some of its' members.
Samples - LA TUMBA DEL ALCA - Silencio y persecución - Bandcamp
(2017) - Sello Cabello
CD - special pack
This, their third album, continues the intense style that characterizes the lads' musical leniences and moves through different nuances and intentions that range from contemplation to overflow. The songs present strong titles that evoke contemporary problems and induce the listener to such a sought-after intention.
Samples - LA TUMBA DEL ALCA - La muerte de la empatía - Bandcamp
(2010) - Prius Discos
CD - digi-pack
The second album by this band takes a different musical approach, making Kraut Rock with Electronic and Space Rock influences their soundscape destination. They do however manage to still retain certain occasional moments of Math Rock and Contemporary passages.
Samples - LAS COSAS - Solarística - Bandcamp
(2015) - I.P.
Led by the keyboards player from Fantasía Cromática, this Argentine Contemporary Jazz combo achieves a sequence of original compositions which display a certain Classical refinement, together with Improvisational pieces which most definitely merit a full auditory concentration and experience.
Samples - LEONEL DUCK TRÍO - Triangular - YouTube
(2012) - I.P.
Les Minot is a project led by Federico Ruhl, bass guitarist and composer with this Fusion Jazz band. They have very cleverly and successfully injected elements of Traditional Argentine Folk into their music, in order to create different shades, tinges, nuances, overtones, and variations of pleasant climaxes and delicate melodies.
Samples - LES MINOTS - Pequeños ciclos - Bandcamp
(2015) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
By deepening the Folk roots within this typically-Argentine Fusion style, the second album by this bunch presents an ample, as well as abstract Jazz imprint, featuring an Incidental, almost cinematographic sound. A work of light, nice and melodic profile, combined with utter tastefulness.
Samples - LES MINOTS - Les Minots - Bandcamp
(2007) - P.A.I. Records
CD - mini-lp
This is the sole album released by this threesome which consists of Mariano Bertolini (pocket trumpet), Lucio Balduini (guitar), and Augusto Urbini (drums). Their style could be somewhat described as an Improvisational experience lying somewhere in between Jazz and Free Rock.
Samples - LOS INI - Matespacial - YouTube
(2011) - Las Tías Records
From the Argentine province of Tucumán comes this Avant Garde Progressive Metal Power Trio, which amalgamates different styles, consequently creating their highly innovative, eclectic and unpredictable music, which possesses a Doom type of rotten base and close to Post Rock kind of sonic expansions.
Samples - LOS RANDOM - Todo.s los colores del - Bandcamp
(2014) - Las Tías Records
The second studio effort by this potent threesome transports them towards a new, unexplored realm of experimentation, powerfully commencing with an Avant Garde version of Progressive Metal and Doom, advancing towards an obscure and chaotic side populated with exotic atmospherics, and climatically finalizing within repetitive distortions of Post Rock.
Samples - LOS RANDOM - Pidanoma - Bandcamp
(2010) - I.P.
Lumbre's second album is a series of strange melodramatic songs tinged with psychedelic influences, and shares a certain common musical territory with The Mars Volta.
Samples - LUMBRE - El nido de los ojos y el oído - YouTube
(2007) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
Very first conceptual album released by this band (yet another Power Trio!), which features a strange concoction of Progressive Rock and Psychedelia, based on different influences which range from Pink Floyd and late sixties period Beatles, to Robert Wyatt, The Mars Volta and Pez.
>Samples - LUMBRE - Bajo la avenida hay un río - YouTube
(2007) - Mucha Madera Producciones
CD - digi-pack
This CD compiles a series of tracks recorded during these last years by this very gifted bass guitarist and composer. His awesome talents and techniques are displayed in Fusion Jazz Rock styles, which incorporate elements of Latin Jazz, Blues and Funk.
Samples - MACHY MADCO - Sueño azul - YouTube
(2011) - Apóstrofe
CD - digi-pack
Manos Ala Delta is a new threesome which recently recorded this, their debut album, together with several guest musicians. Their music, predominantly of an Instrumental tendency, could very well be classified as Progressive Fusion, and presents many iconically distinctive eighties' characteristic sounds and tonal qualities.
Samples - MANOS ALA DELTA - Salida cristal - Bandcamp
(2012) - I.P.
CD - digi-tray
Promising debut album by this young quintet which combines Jazz, Rock, Funk, Progressive Rock, and some Blues compositions, in which the flute marks the distinctive touch. During some moments we can trace certain affinity with Tanger.
Samples - MANTIS - Mantis - Bandcamp
(2006) - I.P.
This composer and multi-instrumentalist, in conjunction with his guitar as the principal sonic reference, has released his first CD after two previous recorded efforts. Together with influences he absorbed during his youth, Alejandro recreates Gothic and Dark Progressive atmospheres sung in Spanish and arranged along two conceptual suites.
Samples - ALEJANDRO MATOS - Persona - Bandcamp
(2009) - I.P.
Matos' second studio production arrives three years later. Within his own personal universe, Alejandro built this work by dividing it into three parts: "Anormal", "El infierno de los buenos" and "Normal", starting off from a dense and mottled sound featuring distressing, almost Gothic climates, amidst an existentialist and questioning type of poetry.
Samples - ALEJANDRO MATOS - Freak - Bandcamp
(2015) - I.P.
CD - digi-sleeve
Unlike his previous studio efforts, other musicians accompany Alejandro in his third CD, which helps to make this new concept album a more mature work, as he continues along his somber and visceral Dark Progressive style. This record features certain gloomy climates close to the ones we would expect from the likes of Devil Doll, Porcupine Tree and the darker side of Hábitat.
Samples - ALEJANDRO MATOS - La potestad - Bandcamp
(2000) - Anadisc Producciones
Quintet led by bass player Máximo Rodríguez, dedicated to create a musical language combining Jazz harmonics with rhythms and melodies that reflect the cultural heritage of the River Plate musical scene.
Samples - MÁXIMO RODRÍGUEZ QUINTETO - ¿Quién dijo que 20 años no es nada? - Bandcamp
(2004) - P.A.I. Records
In its second offering, the sextet presents a Jazz Fusion album featuring shades of Tango marked by the pulse of Buenos Aires, reflecting experiences and sensations of the busy city. There’s also Argentine Folk, River Plate scene Music, Brazilian Music, a Gurarania (Argentine Mesopotamia) and even Waltz!
Samples - MÁXIMO RODRÍGUEZ QUINTETO - Miradas de Buenos Aires - Bandcamp
(2009) - P.A.I. Records
This album began his phase as a sextet leader. The music reflects the personality of the River Plate district. The songs were written mainly by the bassist. The band consisted of Victor Skoruski (saxes), Abel Rogantini (keyboards), Marcelo Kitay (guitars), Daniel Miguez (drums), Leandro Savelón, and Máximo himself on bass. His mates from El Cuatriyo, Fernando Lerman and Alejandro Manzoni, together with Daniel Kovacich, Daniel Messina, Leandro Kalen, Claudio Rossi, and Laura Albarracín (who sings lead in “Lo que haré” – by Rodolfo Alchourrón), were invited to participate in the sessions.
Samples - MÁXIMO RODRÍGUEZ SEXTETO - El tiempo de nuestro lado - Bandcamp
(2023) - I.P.
CDr - digi-pack
Under a magnificent musical proposition that defies any kind of pigeonholing, this piano and percussion twosome offers an innovative vein of powerful Contemporary Fusion, where influences from Jazz, Classical Music, Progressive Rock, and World Music make an appearance. The robust compositions are considerably well nourished from melodic and rhythmic perspectives, providing irregular rhythms, polyrhythms, and improvisation.
Sample - MAYRA DÓMINE - RODRIGO GONZÁLEZ - Almas inquietas - YouTube
(2022) -
Highly admirable debut album by this Progressive/Symphonic Rock sextet, the songs of which are entirely sung in Spanish. These tracks present a melodic line on the keyboards, acoustic guitars and violin, with a certain resemblance to Italian Prog Rock’s classic style, as well as occasional strokes of Neo Symphonic.
Samples - MERÈT - Ceremonias - Bandcamp
(2014) - PRV Label
"Secular Indulgence" represents an auspicious and encouraging debut for this Progressive / Symphonic Hard Rock quartet, which also features occasional flashes of Metal and Fusion. Their songs (which are sung in English) traverse the pathway of bands such as Riverside, Dream Theatre and Láquesis.
Samples - MINDSLAVE - Secular indulgence - Grooveshark
(2021) - Club del disco
CD - digi-sleeve
Eccentric singer-songwriter Mora García Medici presents a concept album divided into two parts, in which she introduces us to her new approach within a very personal, almost experimental, expressive song, that transits its own paths with Complex Jazz, Electronic, and Progressive elements accompanying the vocals.
Samples - MORA - Desdoblar el bosque - YouTube
(2017) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
It is from within a style that arises from the experience of soaking-up loads of popular music, as well as an evidently-strong presence of notable influences that come together in a combo of Urban and Academic Music, interspersed between Folk and Jazz, that Mora García Medici is introduced to the listener as a composer and singer with a suggestive combination of colours and rhythms, supported by a very solvent quintet.
Samples - MORA GARCÍA MEDICI GRUPO - Chispa - Bandcamp
(2013) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
The terrific keyboards player from Alas, recorded this effort as a solo artist. The album transports us into his intimate world of Contemporary Jazz compositions, with a clear imprint of Argentine Tango and Latin American sounds. He is joined by his son Martín on guitar, Nick Danielson on violin, and Pedro Giraudo on bass, while Gustavo leads from his piano.
Samples - GUSTAVO MORETTO - Yo me acuerdo, Buenos Aires - Bandcamp
(2016) - Pai Records
CD - digi-pack
After forming part of numerous musical projects, this young pianist and songwriter has finally created his own Contemporary Jazz Trio, which only plays original compositions. These are addressed from the classic sound perspective of a piano threesome with orchestral proposals and characteristic rhythmic interaction. This is a similar sonic formula to that of the Leonel Duck Trio.
Samples - NICOLÁS BOCCANERA TRÍO - Fricción y ficción - YouTube
(2015) - I.P.
CDr - digi-pack
This quartet, which originally hails from the Argentine city of La Rioja, commences its' musical path within a current-sounding recipe of Progressive Hard territory. The lead guitar shows the way, together with the male vocalist, who sings in Spanish.
Samples - NOMAD - El mundo - Bandcamp
(2011) - I.P.
The musical search of this group is channeled towards sonic horizons inspired by the most Psychedelic and Space Rock side of Pink Floyd, traversing Symphonic atmospheres (almost Neo-styled), through dreamy and surrealistic passages.
Samples - OCTAVIO SENDERO - Cómo lograr despegar en un único intento surrealistas - Bandcamp
(2017) - I.P.
This solo project was created by Mariano Sebastián Rodriguez (aka One), who via the use of different instruments, created a sound that we could pigeonhole as Symphonic Rock with Contemporary elements. By incorporating resources usually heard in Progressive Metal, his Instrumental compositions go through all sorts of intensities, from belligerent pomposity, to much calmer, more delicate passages.
Samples - ONE - Change - Bandcamp
(2018) - I.P.
Continuing along the exact musical path of One’s debut album, this second production keeps afloat the very same concept of interpreting Symphonic Progressive Rock via epic and ethnic moments, in which the contemporary element comes to life in the sound of his guitars.
Samples - ONE - The secret disclosed - Bandcamp
(2010) - I.P.
This here is the second album recorded by the Modern Jazz Instrumental sextet. This outfit is permanently seeking and experimenting with new sounds through the incorporation of original pieces, irregular metrics, collective solos, as well as the constant pursuit and quest for different chimes and harmonies.
Samples - ONMO6 - No le pidas peras al onmo - Soundcloud
(2015) - Júbilo Discos
CD - digi-sleeve
This threesome of friends was formed in 2011 in the city of Rosario (province of Santa Fé, Argentina). The lads are heavily linked to the instrumental Post Rock movement and possess a more optimistic vision, and also a lot less melancholic, than their peers. They effortlessly gallop between the density and ferocity of hypnotic Psychedelia and persecution.
Samples - OVULATING HAMMINGBIRDS - Ovulating hammingbirds - Bandcamp
(2015) - I.P.
Of a Creole, Popular and Futuristic genealogy, this Progressive Tango quintet was birthed around the Southern Greater Buenos Aires area. What these lads offer is an updated version of Astor Piazzolla's and Rodolfo Mederos' classic styles, merged together with the raucousness of Charly García-inspired type of Rock, all held together by a Folk and Electronic Pop-rooted rhythm base, albeit still being able to develop and put together a complex array of highly elaborate harmonies.
Samples - PAMPA TRASH - Ya fué - Bandcamp
(2019) - I.P.
CD - papersleeve
By expanding the limits of XXI century Tango, this album surprises for its versatility in the quest for unimaginable fusions. Not only can we combine Tango with Rock, but we can also incorporate more popular genres, without necessarily ceasing to be Progressive Music. Papersleeve new format edition.
Samples - PAMPA TRASH - Burzako - Deezer
(2019) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
This trio originally hails from La Plata (capital city of the province of Buenos Aires), which is led by keyboardist and composer Juan Ignacio D'Iorio, introduces their first Progressive Rock album, that presents a strong electric piano base, sung in Spanish, and featuring some good Instrumental passages.
Samples - PARALLELAS - Introspección - Bandcamp
(2017) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
With its characteristic musical framework of merging Progressive Jazz Rock with a strong Buenos Aires tinge and Argentine Folk roots, this third album of Pasajero Luminoso develops its' compositions through ever-changing melodic emotions and Instrumental displays that mutate in varying intensities.
Samples - PASAJERO LUMINOSO - El corazón de las ballenas - Bandcamp
(2015) - Sello Cabello
CD - special pack
Renewed airs of Neo-Psycho/Prog have cropped up as of late in Argentina, among which this Instrumental quartet really sticks out, as they combine elements of Psychedelic, Progressive and Stoner Rock, with a current sonority in close proximity to Math Rock.
Samples - PERSONA - Persona - Bandcamp
(2014) - Universal
CD - digi-pack
In another 'turn of the screw' typical tradition that we have, as always, become accustomed to expecting from Pez, now their songs gradually revolve towards a collection of Psychedelically-driven Hard Rock compositions, albeit featuring a more polished sound, without so many distortions and space touches of the past.
Samples - PEZ - El manto eléctrico - YouTube
(2016) - Azione Artigianale
CD - digi-pack
This record totally vindicates, in many different ways, all the essence of Argentine Rock, by presenting songs which feature small influences by the principal references from this movement, which vary between Rock, Folk and Progressive Rock. Pez has now reverted back to a quartet formation, with the incorporation of Juan Ravioli on keyboards.
Samples - PEZ - Rock Nacional - YouTube
(2017) - Azione Artigianale
CD - digi-pack
This production wanders through ten songs of different musical intentions. All these dissimilar facets have been contributed by the band themselves across their varied albums: cuts that express fury or calm, Rock or Folk, Psychedelia, or Space Rock, though exacerbating their lyrics based on social content.
Samples - PEZ - Pelea al horror - YouTube
(2007) - HTT
CD - mini-lp
Debut album from |Habitat|'s guitarist, comprising 20 short compositions of great beauty and devoid of any virtuoso pretentions. His delicate Instrumental music has a certain reminiscence of the Classical side of Steve Hackett and Anthony Phillips, with plenty of pastoral and medieval passages.
Samples - ALDO PINELLI - Una selección de viejas canciones - Bandcamp
(2009) - HTT
CD - mini-lp
Aldo's second solo effort consists of a selection of shortly-timed compositions, very much in Classical and Medieval trends, and featuring not too dissimilar characteristics to the works of the great Anthony Phillips.
Samples - ALDO PINELLI - Mantos y tapices sobrepuestos - Bandcamp
(2011) - HTT
Without wavering a smidgeon from the trademark sound and themes of his first two albums, this third studio effort finds Aldo in the same familiar territory as those works, albeit even more melodic, delicate, varied, and appealing than his predecessing recordings. This CD is mostly Instrumental, and also features a couple of songs in Spanish.
Samples - ALDO PINELLI - La era de Melania: mujeres, lugares y momentos - Bandcamp
(2012) - HTT
The launch of Aldo's fourth record marks a huge difference with his previous three albums. Consisting of darker themes and more intricate compositions, Pinelli explores other sounds within his melodic structures.
Samples - ALDO PINELLI - Temporada de lluvias - Bandcamp
(2013) - HTT / Lizard Records
In this Suite Italiana, Aldo displays all of his musical influences through Instrumental themes and songs, featuring a wide range of instruments and different musical genres, while also treading into acoustic & electric passages.
Samples - ALDO PINELLI - Suite Italiana - Bandcamp
(2018) - I.P.
CD - digi-pack
This quintet is based in the city of Buenos Aires, and is fully dedicated to writing, as well as playing, their own music, by creatively dabbling into Chamber Song territory format, and very cleverly incorporating elements of Latin American Music, Academic Music, Progressive Rock, Jazz, and Improvisation, to name a few.
Samples - POLANDRIA - Polandria - Bandcamp
(2010) - Sadness Discos
Amidst great conceptual changes and noteworthy signs of maturity growth, the band now releases its second studio effort. Spanish vocals have now been added to the mix, as well as different kinds of rhythm bases (which are very infrequently used within the Post Rock movement), such as Trip Hop, or those more sonically-related to the realm of Electronic Music.
Samples - POMMEZ INTERNACIONAL - Contraluz contraataque - Bandcamp
(2014) - Supercharango S.A.
Here are the very first works by this Pop Rock quintet, which feature arrangements and a kind of sonority normally associated with the ranks of Progressive Rock, always within the peripheral edges of this genre.
Samples - POROTTA - Porotta - YouTube
(2017) - Supercharango S.A.
CD - digi-pack
Their second album incorporates more Symphonic Rock elements in terms of arrangements and climaxes, but their rhythm base is more oriented towards Pop Rock. Together with Sambara, Sein and Dostretres, they share similar characteristics which borderline Progressive territory.
Samples - POROTTA - Entonces - YouTube
(2011) - Aquatalan Records
CD - digi-pack (special pack)
Back to their origins, the group's third recorded outing is a clear nod to their initial raw sound of merging Stoner Rock and Progressive Hard Rock, together with subtle and intricate weavings of Spatial sounds. Great edition in a digi-pak format presentation.
Samples - POSEIDÓTICA - Crónicas del futuro - Bandcamp
(2005) - Aquatalan Records
CD - digi-pack
Originating from the Stoner Rock movement (which relates them to Los Natas), this Instrumental quartet has released its first Conceptual album which features a somewhat more Progressive than Psychedelic tendency; specially noticeable in the way the two guitars effortlessly intermingle with each other, while creating dark and sinister moods, and dense atmospheres.
Samples - POSEIDÓTICA - Intramundo - Bandcamp
(2015) - Aquatalan Records
CD - digi-pack (special pack)
It is absolutely and utterly impossible to establish a definitely marked style direction in this outfit's fourth album, as they combine a concoction of Psychedelic Hard Rock, Progressive Rock, Stoner Rock, and Post Rock, together with a current-sounding brand of Rock. All these mixtures contribute to consolidating the possession of a well-structured sonic proposal.
Samples - POSEIDÓTICA - El dilema del origen - Bandcamp
(2015) - Aquatalan Records
DVD - digi-pack
This DVD contains the recording of the complete show performed by the band on October 21, 2011, at the Niceto Club. It was there that the lads officially presented their third studio album, "Crónicas del Futuro”. Taking full advantage of the fact that the group were celebrating their 10th anniversary, they also included repertoire from their previous recordings, in a true sort of career review form.
Video Samples - POSEIDÓTICA - En viaje hacia una nueva dimensión - YouTube